President Clinton and Governor Huckabee work together to fight childhood obesity
- By:john parker
Today’s perhaps most widely reported health story is the agreement between major beverage makers to stop placing sugary drinks in schools. Specifically, the agreement calls for the elimination of soft drinks and other high calorie drinks. The agreement is wide ranging and will eventually cover all of the nation’s public schools.
This NYT article gives an excellent recap of the agreement and issues relating to it.
The agreement was announced by President Clinton and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Both well known political figures have been working very hard on the issue of childhood obesity among many other health issues.
Huckabee and Clinton know of which they speak. Gov. Huckabee was formerly obese himself but has embraced fitness and diet and is a role model and great spokesman for those who need to lose weight and improve their fitness levels. His very existence simply says: “If you are obese, you can change.” President Clinton’s brush with heart disease is well known as is commitment to a healthier lifestyle in its aftermath.
The impact of sugar water on obesity is well known. These empty calories tend to put on weight but provide little in the way of nutrition or sense of fullness. If you need to lose weight as either an adult or child, elimination of these drinks from your diet is likely your first step.
As President Clinton notes in the NYT article, "If the present trend continues, this generation of young people could be the first to have shorter life expectancies than their parents."
Gov. Huckabee is quoted as follows in the article: “The fact is Americans are not only eating more but they're exercising much less. This has to go beyond the school lunches and school activities programs. It goes beyond forcing kids to have a class in P.E. in school. We have to get moms and dads involved in this. If parents don't set the right example, set the right table and set the right schedule, then we're not going to see this problem change”
It’s excellent to see these two politicians of different political parties put aside the normal political gamesmanship to focus on an issue that is critical to the nation’s future health.
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