Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part II)
- By:Patrick Beaufay Beaufay
Fish: Fish is neglected. Is this the tradition Judeo-Christian which makes that one consumed fish that Friday? Is this a problem of sometimes odor or freshness slandered? Is this the price?
It is undoubtedly the meeting of these factors which explains this lack of passion for the fishery products. And yet, the fish possesses an exceptional food value, being as rich in proteins as the meat but containing only fats of excellent quality.
If the thin fishes are of course very good for your diet, it is entirely the same for fatty fishes however more caloric.
Besides that we know for a long time that the Eskimos, large-scale consumers of fish fats (representing most clearly of their food), presents very few cardiovascular diseases!
Is this paradoxical? Of course not! It is important to remember you the protective role of highly unsaturated fats. It is the case of fish fat. It is high time to give again with the fishery products their letters of nobility.
We highly advise you to consume three times per week at least of them. And much more if you like!
Of course, certain gourmets will claim that it is the sauce which makes eat fish!. It is undoubtedly exact. But there are well several light sauce receipts being able to accompany fish.
Sea food: Watch out, if all the fish are your friends, it is not of same for certain sea foods very rich in cholesterol, and thus to prevent if you suffer from this lipid excesses. They are on the other hand completely recommended for a diet.
Here is a list indicating to you the products of the sea richest in cholesterol (content cholesterol for 100 grams of flesh): fish eggs: 300mg, oysters: 110 till 330 mg depending (according to the season), lobster: 200 mg, crabs: 150 mg, mussels: 150 mg, shrimps: 140 mg.
Meat and fat material:
They are the muscles of the animals which one consumes. One distinguishes the white meats (poultry, calf, pig) and the red meats (sheep, ox).
The quantity of fat contained in the meat depends on the species. The white meats are thin and the red meats are fatty.
An exception relates to the pig, white meat considered fatty, but whose mode of breeding is important. If the animal is nourished with corn, the fat contents will be of better quality.
Certain meat fats can be eliminated easily after cooking. To eliminate the fat on the surface, it is enough to withdraw the skin.
If the meat contains slices of bacon, one must also eliminate the flux of fat distributed in and around the piece.
On the other hand, the fat of a spotted meat cannot be removed. Therefore, you cannot consume any.
Among the red meats, the sheep is fattiest.
This list indicates the percentage of fat and cholesterol of the principal meats ( in order: Meat, Fats in % and cholesterol in mg/100g): Horse: 2 and 0, Poultry: 10 and 90, Calf: 10 and 65, Beef: 20 and 100, Sheep: 25 and 70, Pork: 25 till 30 and 90.
The horse, price of excellence: Whereas in the Fifties and in France or Belgium (where I live), the meat of horse was of regular consumption, gladly proposed to the children, we currently observe almost the disappearance of the horse meat butcher's.
It is time to give again with the equine meat the place which returns to him, namely that of a food of excellent food value, very rich in proteins, almost deprived of fat, therefore completely recommended at the time of a diet against the cholesterol.
About the author:
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