Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part IV)
- By:Patrick Beaufay Beaufay
Ten commands:
1. Make 3 meals per day, including one copious breakfast.
2. Consume without moderation all the fruit and vegetables.
3. Give up the pork-butchery, eggs, fat cheeses and butter.
4. Accept fish or white meats for the lunch and the dinner.
5. Leave dairy products if they are not to fat content 0% fat.
6. Eat an apple for a small hollow.
7. Think of choosing the good mode of cooking.
8. Use the olive oil, the grape pips oil and the vegetable margarine’s.
9. Like the bread, the pastes and rice, they will return it to you.
10. Drink - with moderation - a red wine of quality, the only beneficial alcoholic drink.
An enemy not to be underestimated: sugar
You now are a good fat hunter and your loss of weight is not any more one question of will and perseverance.
Watch out however not to fall into the trap which consists in compensating for your lacks by an excessive fast sugar consumption.
Fast sugars, contrary to essential slow sugars (breads, pasta, potatoes, rice), should be used only at the time of an important physical or sporting effort. They are very energetic and provide in little time much of calories.
If you are sedentary, fast sugars become enemies and will oppose your loss of weight.
Principal sugars to be avoided:
The food:
Piece of white sugar, white sugar powders, the toasts (crackers), flour, dry fruits, honey, marmalade, the black chocolate or with milk (to be crunched)
Soft drinks: sweetened fruit juice, sodas, lemonade, Indian tonic
The light version is the best.
Alcoholic drinks: beer, whisky, bourbon, cognac, rum, gin, vodka, white alcohols, pastis, cooked wines (port, Madeira, ...).
Lastly, retain that sugars known as fast are in fact slow to digest when they are mixed with other food substances.
Test your future cholesterol level:
Test number 1: To prepare your salad? Olive oil or Groundnut oil or Sunflower oil.
Test number 2: To accompany your salad? Shrimp or Smoked salmon or Crab (crumbs).
Test number 3: A start at the restaurant? Oysters or Herring with potato salad or tureen of countryside.
Test number 4: A fish? Sea-breams (Chrysophrys) or Mackerel or Sardines.
Test number 5: A meat? Rib steak or Escallop of turkey or Calf chop.
Test number 6: A meat barbecue? Chipolatas or White pudding or a lamb chop.
Test number 7: A barbecue of sea? Norway lobsters or Mullet or Skewer of Saint-Jacob.
Test number 8: A cooked dish? Sauerkraut furnished or Guinea fowl with cabbages or Beef stew .
Test number 9: A dessert? Floating island or pears with the wine or plate of sorbets.
Test number 10: bananas flambe or burned cream or Pineapple with kirsch.
Results of the test:
Test number 1: The groundnut oil is your enemy. We have a preference for the olive oil.
Test number 2: Shrimp and crab, although thin, are very rich in cholesterol.
Test number 3: The oysters are very rich in cholesterol. The pot of countryside is catastrophic.
Test number 4: Three good fishes but the sea-bream is the thinnest.
Test number 5: Turkey or calf: two white meats to consume.
Test number 6: The white pudding is excellent for you.
Test number 7: Without hesitation, choose the mullet.
Test number 8: Cheers, if you found guinea fowl with cabbage.
Test number 9: The floating island is the worst dessert for your cholesterol.
Test number 10: No the burned cream, but well the pineapple with kirsch.
Therefore, what is your score for this test?
Between 80 and 100: Bravo
Between 60 and 80: You are on the good way, continue.
Between: 50 and 59: Insufficient efforts. Read again my preceding articles.
Below 50: it is time perhaps to take contact with your cardiologist
About the author:
Patrick Beaufay offers you an other way to diet. All diets are hypocaloric and they have for impact to decrease your metabolism. The burn the fat and feed the muscle program does exactly the opposite. Therefore more calories will be burnt each day. For more info: