Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part VI)
- By:Patrick Beaufay Beaufay
Medicine against the cholesterol is not the ransom of glory:
It seems natural that a subject of around fifty at which one discovers a cholesterol excess says: my doctor will prescribe me a medicine and my problem will be solved. Very simple he! Not, what a huge mistake!
Any chemical substance introduced into the body often can involve gentle adverse effects, sometimes frightening, from small digestive disorders until more severe incidents. You have just to consult the famous note placed in each box of remedy to be surprised.
A real story:
Mr X is on the point of celebrating Christmas in his family. This man with a certain corpulence has been treated for one month by an anti-cholesterol medicine which will allow him (he was thinking) to pass by this special diet against the cholesterol.
In this morning of this festive, Mr X is anxious: for a few days its wild appetite has made place with an unexplained anorexia and especially it discovers with stupor that its eyes are yellow. Called immediately, his family doctor quickly made diagnose an hepatitis, confirmed the same day by a blood test. This ignition of the liver will prove to be due to the medicine against cholesterol.
Sad end of Christmas for Mr X who spent several weeks to recovered from the incident but which cures fortunately without sequel.
For this day, this jovial fellow has scrupulously followed the diet imposed by his practitioner, diet which paid off (standardized cholesterol, kilos in excess volatilized) and he never feels so well!
A lesson to be retained:
Follow your diet which will become after a few weeks a new manner of feeding you as far from being sad and monotonous. You will fell yourselves much more healthy, much more alarm and you will not want any more to proceed in this bad way.
A capital precision:
Of course, there is no question of underestimating the peremptory necessity here to use anti-cholesterol medicine when the results obtained by the diet are not sufficient.
But a medicinal prescription will be made only after having been ensured that the food rules will have been perfectly complied.
The sport, an essential complement with your diet:
Studies showed that the sport practiced regularly generates an increase in the good cholesterol (remember, it is the HDL cholesterol) and more the sport activity is important more this benefit is appreciable.
It is not however in our intentions to want to transform you into a marathon runner or high level triathlon runner!
It is enough for you to choose a physical activity which you like and which you practice in an assiduous way. Daily walk is completely adapted. You can also register you with a club of swimming, pedestrian excursions or bicycle.
If your professional timing is too charged, change simply your bad habits: do not use your car for little courses and do not hesitate to give up the elevator for two or three floors.
Let us announce in addition that a regular physical activity makes it possible to fight other cardiovascular factors. First advantage, ponderal excess: there is not true sportsman obese. Secondly, nicotine consumption: sport and tobacco are antagonistic terms. Thirdly, high blood pressure (arterial hypertension): the physical activity is an essential key to fight this affection.
Watch out! The violent sports must absolutely be avoided starting from forty: tennis, squash, badminton, speed races ... especially in competition.
So however you absolutely wish to continue at this age such activity, it is essential to consult your cardiologist who will propose to you a test effort, only valid way to check your aptitude for such exercises.About the author:
Patrick Beaufay offers you an other way to diet. All diets are hypo caloric and they have for impact to decrease your metabolism. The burn the fat and feed the muscle program does exactly the opposite. Therefore more calories will be burned each day. For more info: