Rimonabant a Perfect Agent for Treating Obesity
- By:Jack White
Obesity is becoming the most common nutritional disorder in many industrialised country around the world. In countries like America and Europe it has reached epidemic levels. Furthermore, oflate there is an alarming rate of child obesity. This growing prevalence of obesity problem has stimulated the search of various anti obesity drugs. One such drug which is an outcome of such research is Rimonabant.
Generally know as Acomplia, Rimonabant is an appetite suppressant drug and is becoming a significant drug for the treatment of obesity. Though, marketed by Sanofi-Aventis, it is still waiting for FDA approval. But, it has been successful in gaining customer’s confidence and is creating a rage in the weight loss market.
It offers a unique therapeutic approach for controlling weight by suppressing the appetite. It works by blocking the CB1 receptors found in the endogenous cannabinoid system. Activation of these receptors increases the appetite. Clinically it has been found that Rimonabant acts as the CB1 receptor antagonist that controls our appetite by stopping our unnecessary urges for food. Researchers also claim that, apart from keeping a person free from weight, the drug has also the potential to act as a smoking cessation drug. They say that the Endocannabinoid system is involved in the body’s response to tobacco dependence. This drug maintains a balance in the system and reduces the dependence on tobacco.
Safety and long term efficacy is the feature of any anti obesity drug. Rimonabant has been successful in keeping this promise. Statistics showed that Rimonabant is effective for maintaining weight loss for a period of at least two years. Hence it proves that Rimonabant is well tolerated in a long term use.
An ongoing clinical trial includes that as a drug it does carry some side effects with its usage. But clinically it has been proved that these side effects are mild and reversible. Common side effects like anxiety, dizziness, stomach upset may create some problems initially, but the body gets adjustable to it after some days of its usage. However it’s only a doctor who is eligible for prescribing the right dose of Rimonabant siting your rate of obesity. Hence, make habit to consult a doctor before using it.About the author:
Jack White is an associated editor to Miracle Diet pills. He is a contributing author and provides information on General Health related issues. For more details related to Acomplia Rimonabant, Xenical, Reductil, Lipograsil, Slim 24, Turbo Slim Men visit www.miracledietpills.co.uk