See how a 78 year old man completely changed his life after a cleanse
- By:Ralph Morton
First of all I want to tell you how fit I am today, then I
will tell you how I used to be. I know you are saying to
yourself, why I should be Interested how this guy feels.
Well my friends there is a darn good reason for this.
My name is Ralph Morton, I am 78 years old and I feel like
I am 55. I play golf on a regular basis and shoot in the
high 80’s. I walk, don’t take a cart; I guess the reason is
I hit the ball right down the middle, unlike my playing
partners, well a couple of them, who will chase their ball
from one side of the fairway to the other. They of course
cover a lot of ground. Many times they say, I have had the
same ball for a couple of years as I never lose it.They are
wrong of course; I have been known to have lost a few.
My point is I am a very different person than I was a few
years ago.
Going back about two and a half years ago, Like many other
elderly people I had resigned myself to getting old, hey,
I was 76, my wife and I both didn’t realize it, but we had
accepted old age. We didn’t play golf any longer, I was fat,
and had no drive at all. Our whole life had changed in just
a few months.
We just did the things old people do without thinking, we
had just gradually completely changed our lives.
When I think of it, I guess this is what happens to most
married couples, I may be wrong but.... I was overweight,
a lot overweight, and I didn’t feel that I could do anything,
you know what I mean, listless, and happy to just sit down
and watch television every night, and get fatter.
It is so easy to get into a routine, and time flies by so
fast, and we do nothing to help to make our lives any better.
We just accept things as they are.
Then, after months of missing my golf, and doing nothing,
I made an amazing discovery. I stumbled over an article
and the following pictures that changed my life. I guess
I should have been smarter for the world is much more
different from what it was years ago.
The amazing discovery I made was how toxins are damaging our
whole systems. I realized why I was listless, fat and truly
out of shape, no drive at all. Hey, I didn’t like the life
I was leading, I could see what was happening to both my wife
and I. We made the decision to change.
Let me introce you to Kim and Jason.
Click on
Click on
It was nice to here these two became wealthy networking as they
knew cleansing worked.
The results I have given earlier in this letter. I am playing
golf again, my wife and I are happy again together. We now
look forward to every day; yes every day. It is amazing how
things have changed. Our friends look at us, wondering what
has happened to Ralph and Anita.If you want to enjoy life,
doesn't matter what age you are, make sure you take a cleanse.
No B.S.
Someone once said the following to me. What if part of being
a human being was that you were required to carry around your
waist 100 lbs of potatoes. You would place the potatoes in a
similar thing as a money belt with pouches.
When you got out of bed in a morning, you would place the belt
around your waist leaving it there until the end of the day.
All day you would do your normal business with these potatoes
around your waist. You would do everything that way, even
making love.
What a tremendous relief it would be to take it off at night,
wow. You would of course have to put it back on if you decided
to make love in bed.
I guess you can see the whole point of this exercise, anyone
with the potatoes stowed in this pouch would be grateful to
be rid of them.
Well, it is the same as people been overweight they carry this
extra weight, we don’t call it a pouch, we call the thing they
carry around something completely different. Does this in any
way, get the message across. It should do, for there are so
many people carrying those potatoes around. However, they
can't ever put them down.
Well my friends I read everything I could about Toxins. Why
toxins? Well, the reason I was fat, listless and everything
else was simply my system, like everyone else’s was full of
Here are a couple of things I discovered about why in this
modern age we are bombarded with these pollutions day after