Slimming made easy with clenbuterol
- By:Rick Martin
Clenbuterol, a bronchodilator widely used for asthma is not a steroid as commonly believed, it is a beta-2-symphatomimetic drug and can be found in the form of pills, injectable substance or syrup. Lately it has gained another use, as the main ingredient in a weight loss diet. It seems that by raising the heart rate and core body temperature it allows the body to work at the maximum to spend energy and consume calories and most importantly, burn fat..
But as all drugs, clenbuterol can have a negative effect if it is used without caution; also, people who have heart realted diseases or high blood pressure are at a risk with this particular type of medicine. After two to three weeks of using clenbuterol, it is best to leave your body to re-adjust to the initial state, and to make sure that while consuming this drug you have a balanced diet of high protein, low fat and medium carbohydrate to experience the highest possible effect. Drinking plenty of water is also important.
A large number of athletes have started to buy Clenbuterol, because of the effect the drug has on the muscle mass and for the enhancement of body strength after a treatment of steroids: it is preferable for balancing the resulting catabolic phase. Because it doesn’t act as an anabolic steroid and has no similar effects, it is also preferred by women: they use it for its fat burning abilities. For men, a peak daily dosage of 100-120 mcg it is recommended, while for women a daily dosage of 60-80 mcg is usually suficient; however, it can also have a series of side effects such as palpitations of the heart, tremor, restlessness, headache, insomnia, nausea and even muscles spasms. In case clenbuterol has these unwanted side effects, you should stop the use of the drug and probably consult your doctor or pharmacist, but usually these side effects subdue after seven days of continual use. It is important to cycle up in the dosage and cycle back down as well.
Is it safe to buy clenbuterol and use it? This is a question which is often asked by people when they find out about this drug. We have to remember that it is still a drug which if overdosed can be harmful. If you buy clenbuterol for its dietetic use, you have to keep in mind that only the drug alone without a proper balanced nutrition will not have a long term benefit in maintaining your shape.
The new special and most used supplement by celebrities and stars is also known as The “Size Zero Diet Pill” and you can find a lot of information about how to use and buy Clenbuterol online on websites like, but it is very important to also find out what happens exactly with your body when you use it.
One category of people who buy clenbuterol is given by competitors, mostly because it is not always banned in competitions and it can give the body an extra push in order to win. Although it has never been approved for use in the United States, a lot of foreign countries clenbuterol preparations are available in the States and is it very easy to buy Clenbuterol online or bring it across the border.
About the author:
Clenbuterol, used as a diet supplement by stars and as a strength enhancer/fat burner by athletes, is the new miracle drug which has brought amazement all across the globe. It is easy to buy clenbuterol, now on websites such as; more people are starting to find out about its properties even though it originally started as an asthma treatment.