South Beach Diet Buddies
- By:harvey clifford clifford
Why is the South Beach Diet so successful?
It's because of something that can make all the difference to the outcome of your diet and that is the amazing support forum.
You don't need to rely on friends or relatives to keep you on track when things get 'heavy'.
Friends and relatives really don't know what you're going through, unless they're overweight themselves they'll have know idea.
The South Beach Diet forum has been going since May 2004, at least that's the earliest post I can find, it now runs into thousands of posts.
There are many different sections you can post under, from 'Phase 1' and 'Phase 2' of the diet, to 'Success Stories' and 'Recipes and Health' to 'Fitness'.
A typical post from a new starter on the diet is: 'I stumbled upon this website last night and was in awe of all the recipes, support, etc. I actually saved a few of the recipes on my laptop.'
It's in the 'General Chat' section where I found the really good support. This is where you can 'buddy up' with other dieters who are starting at the same time as you. This really gives you a feeling of total support, the kind of support you would only get from fellow dieters.
Also in this section you can post a 'before', 'mid-way' and finally 'goal' picture.
Here are some edited quotes from the forum:
'The first picture was taken about one year before starting South Beach Diet and the other is at half point. I did find it motivating to compare the two because I didn't truly see progess until I did so'.
Another one says: 'I would recommend for everybody to do this especially when they are having trouble with their eating, I know it helped me. Thank you very much! All the support on this forum certainly helps!'
And: 'The truth is I'm feeling pretty good about myself now. I'm feeling comfortable in my clothes, again, and I've even done a little shopping, I'm very happy, but more importantly, back to being happy with myself and confident with my relationship with food'.
These comments are so inspirational for anyone who is dieting. They make the difference between success and failure.
Other topics you can find answers to include: 'Foods to eat on South Beach Diet', 'South Beach Diet Menu Ideas' and 'South Seach Diet and Meal Plans'.
If you're on the fence about starting the diet then don't hesitate any longer. Read through the web page (the link is in the 'resource box' at the end of this article) and when you're signed up take a look at the message boards.
The South Beach Diet has some of the best back-up I've ever seen in a weight-loss program, I'm impressed and you will be too.
You get daily tips from Dr. Agatston, delicious recipes, and tools to track your weight, phase, and diet goals. They also have a Weight Tracker whereby you type in your weight, plot your progress, and learn how to stay on course.
A fantastic Nutrition Tool and Meal Planner / Scheduler for every day - up to a week in advance, including meals for vegetarians.
If you've ever had a problem putting together your shop list then those days are over, you'll have access to a Shopping List Generator whereby you can print out shopping lists easily and automatically.
You can keep an online diary of your progress, and read how others are doing, too.
Is it any wonder over 500,000 people have used the diet?
For any readers unaware of what the South Beach Diet is here is a basic description.
It is not low-fat or low-carb. It teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats. Developed by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet is a clinically tested program that will not only help you lose weight but also improve your health.
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