Stretching Tips:

By:Rob Ryan

Stretching Tips:

Be sure your blood is flowing before you start your stretches by doing some light physical activity or do some warmups

The reasons for stretching are to increase your flexibility and prevent injury. As we get older we lose flexibility especially if you havn't been leading a physically active lifesyle so it's something you should deploy into your lfe anyway.

Try and do enough reps to completly stretch the muscle and hold all of them for 20 seconds or so on your last rep. Don't stretch to the point of pain either.

* Start out by gently rolling your neck and shoulders. Rotate your wrist back and forth and bend your arms. If you can, slowly swing your arms in a pendulum motion ,

* With both hands on your hips while
standing straight, slowly bend to the left and right, then hold both sides for 20 seconds at the end.

* While standing straight, raise both arms above your head. Now get up on your tippy toes and reach for the ceiling. Slowly go up and down and hold in the up position on your last 20 second stretch.

* This time while standing straight, slowly bend down and touch your toes. Now stand up touching your hips then raise your arms above your head. Try and do it in a slow fluid motion. Repeat the process and hold for the 20 seconds while touching your toes.

* Find a table or counter top that is around waist high. Now stand sideways with one of your hips facing the surface. Place one hand on the surface, palm down and raise the other arm above your head in a C shape like a balarina. Slowly go up on your toes while bending towards your your other arm. ( This is also good for reducing love handles, so you may want to make it part of your fat burning activity routines).

Once you have stretched for 5 or 10 minutes, you are ready to begin your fat burning activity routines or exercise program.

Regards, Rob c/o Ruff Raun

About the author:
Born in 1955 and have been involved with physical fitness and proper nutrition since 1968. In good health and physically fit due to the vigorous cardio and resistance training program I developed and have been using since 1992. A user friendly version will be coming soon to the public.