Successful Weight Loss - Losing Weight After Pregnancy
- By:Richard Bean
When you are trying to lose the weight that you gained during pregnancy, you will come across all sorts of weight loss tips. Some tips will work for you, while others will not. The important thing is to remember that no matter which tip or tips you follow, losing all your pregnancy weight gain is going to take some time. Some women will hang on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding. Eat smaller portions. Don't skip meals or limit your intake of fruits and vegetables. Do not fret about weight loss or regaining your figure. If you focus on eating healthily, your body will respond by losing any excess weight.
Try not to be tempted by empty-calorie-foods like ice-cream. Most women will be back to their pre pregnancy weight within nine months of delivering IF they follow a regular exercise program and eat healthily after delivery.
Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy
It is a widely debated topic amongst health professionals that people do not consume enough water. As a result, most people walk around mildly dehydrated most of their lives. Water is vital for life and energy, and if you are busy mum the chances are you will be neglecting your intake of water. I can’t stress enough the importance of drinking water throughout your day.
A drastic weight loss after delivery is not normal. The safest range of losing weight is between 0.5 and 2.0 pounds per week. It should not be more than this. Normally, you gain about 30 pounds on an average during the nine months period. After giving birth, you lose 13 per cent of the weight automatically. The remaining weight requires some effort to be kicked out.
Cut out sodas. These are unneeded calories.
Make your food interesting. Don’t just have a salad – spice it up with some chicken. Buy a healthy eating cookbook and try a few different recipes. Yoyu’ll soon falter if you’re eating the same old thing day in day out.
Eat slowly. Be relaxed and chew thoroughly
The best and most easy form of exercise is “walking”. It is so simple; all you need is a comfortable pair of shoes! You may also take your little bundle of joy along with you.
Wake up half an hour earlier and join in with the exercise class on morning television. If nothing else, it will get your blood pumping and get you awake.
Beginning exercise - It's a good idea to start taking short, easy walks as soon as it feels comfortable for you. If weather permits, simply load up the baby in the stroller and take brisk walks to the park, library, neighborhood coffee shop or anywhere that makes the exercise walk enjoyable. If you have a reliable baby sitter, joining a local gym would be an excellent idea.
Pamper yourself: - Be good to your self. You have just come out of the difficult pregnancy period. So take time to care about your health. You are an extremely busy and important person now. You are a Mother. Allow yourself to be in shape and get comfortable with your body, don't do it for the rest of the world.
Is it possible to lose weight and regain your figure after having a baby?
Yes, it is! Having a baby does not mean you have to be fat. Lots of new moms regain their pre-pregnancy figure within 8-12 months. True, it takes time for your body to get back to normal, but don't despair. Eat properly, get active and let nature do the rest.
Remember, slow and steady wins the race with regard to weight loss.
Reward yourself for each “baby step” you take, and remember to pamper yourself on occasion during the post partum period. Before you know it, you will recover your figure and feel great, without suffering in the process!About the author:
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