Surgical Techniques for Weight Loss
- By:Jenn Richards
A few shortcuts on weight loss are becoming more and more popular, but are they good for you? Will they prove effective and safe in the long run?
Surgery has established itself as a great way to lose weight and it benefits is known tremendously from all the medical research and development we have witnessed in the past decades. But is it really your best option when it comes to losing weight?
There are some doctors and then there are good doctors. If you are seriously overweight and you believe surgery is for you, then you can go to almost any clinic and be assessed for operation. Some doctors will tell you there are risks involved – these are the “good guys”; some doctors will tell you that you first have to enroll in a weight loss program and prove you are committed to changing your lifestyle – these are the “great guys”; and some doctors will just let you know how much it will amount to – these are the “butchers”.
The first thing a doctor can do is to talk you out of surgery. You can cut and weld a sheet of metal, but it doesn’t work the same for a living body.
And there is no sign that medicine will progress so far as to make plastic surgery 99% safe for the patients.
You have to ask yourself just how much pain you can take. Plastic surgery is very painful. And it’s not like you are a teen anymore – your body doesn’t have the same regenerative strength that you used to take for granted when you were younger and a twisted or even broken arm was nothing more than a reason to show off in front of your friends.
Surgical solutions for weight loss are dangerous – the skin doesn’t heal as easily, the scars will be there forever, sometimes swollen and infected for months. Take surgical breast enhancement for example. It is so common that almost all the women feel tempted to try at some point in their life. Yet common as it is and comparatively simple as it is, there is a high percentage of women who need a second operation to remove implants because of infections, or who need a operation to hide the scars of the first operation or to have their breasts remodeled to look even because the tissue did not react the same on both sides of their body.
Once you get under the knife there will be no turning back. And if you think you can always sue the doctor and win, then think again. No amount of money will help you get through the pain more easily. Plus, if the surgery was correctly performed and your body reacts badly to it – that’s it. The doctor will never be found guilty – you do sign an agreement and you take full responsibility for the way your body may react.
So think very hard before losing money at the surgery roulette. Plastic surgery clinics can very well survive without your contribution and you can gain a lot more in terms of health and confidence in yourself employing other ways to lose weight.
About the author:
For more information, read - Surgical Solutions for Weight Loss.