Tailors will need to do overtime!

By:Phil Brull

You should check if there is enough space in your wardrobes. Why? Because you will need it! You will enjoy buying all the clothes you ever wished for. "I'm thankful for this opportunity to thank her!! She has enabled me to deal with the problems that are in my every day life with a smile and serenity" said Julie and her statement is representative for thousands of others!

How many people tried everything to lose weight? How many people are frustrated because the weight came back every time? Or worse, they even start eating more when they just think about going on a diet. That's over now! There is a solution for all those people running from one disillusionment to another.

Here is the solution!

But, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Phil. I am from Belgium and I work in the field of personal improvement and spiritual growth. As a former EMT I have seen many overweight women and men. They all had serious health problems because of their overweight. All of them had tried already many diets, pills, tried to control their eating habits… but nothing really worked.

But some did it. They changed their weight and modified it to their dream level, others didn’t. And those were really desperate. But, there is a reason why one can lose weight with a diet, another one with pills, another one with exercise and another one with another technique. And, of course, there is a reason too why some people simply don’t become overweight. They eat just like you and their body stays in a beautiful shape. So, here’s the question: Why did diets for you never work? Why came the pounds back after the diet?

It can’t be because of the diet. It may have worked for others. But not for you. Why? Don’t be afraid, you are not abnormal… you are just different from other people. Everybody is different. What works for person A does not necessarily work for person B. That’s perfectly OK!

Here’s the good news: You can change your weight, too. You increased it so you can decrease it. You just need another approach. You are not condemned to live with a weight that does not make you feel happy about it. You can change it! Yes! And you know what? You deserve it!

The key is in your mind. Your subconscious mind holds the power to resolve the deep issues you may have with food and there is a unique and safe way to communicate with your subconscious mind: Hypnosis!

The University of Connecticut says about weight loss hypnosis: “An analysis of five weight loss studies reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 showed that the ‘…weight loss reported in the five studies indicates that hypnosis can more than double the effects’ of traditional weight loss approaches”.

If you are overweight, that means any weight that you don’t want for yourself (regardless what other people say), then there is a purpose for this weight. There’s a reason for this weight in your subconscious mind. Nothing happens to you without a reason for this in your subconscious.

The reason for the weight may vary. Not everyone is overweight for the same reason. Of course, in a way you are overweight because you eat too much or the wrong things. But why do you do that? What purpose serves the weight in your subconscious mind? How can you find this out? – Well it’s easier as you think.

For more information on how you can lose weight fast without dieting in an easy and healthy way, visit my website.

I wish you all the best,


(c) 2005 Phil Brull. All Rights Reserved.

About the author:
Phil Brull lives in Belgium and works in the field of personal development and spiritual growth. Phil strongly believes that anyone has the internal power to achieve every single dream and dedicated his life to help others doing this, too. He is involved in the ancient Polynesian wisdom known as Huna as well as in many powerful life changing techniques. Phil Brull is also the Webmaster of “101 Real Success in Life”. At his site you can find the best, most helpful and promising tools for personal development and spiritual growth. Visit The Success Tools Website or How to lose weight with hypnosis