Tenuate: A Diet Pill Meant to be Relied Upon
- By:Clarence Carter
Tenuate diet pills, like almost all other diet pills work as an appetite suppressant. It is also used in short-term management of obesity. Its wider popularity and effective results have made it one of the best medicines to cure people of obesity.
Tenuate diet pill is a prescription based medicine, which has to be taken only under doctor’s guidance. Functioning as an appetite suppressant, this pill kills appetite and controls food intake. This pill stimulates the hypothalamus gland, which affects certain neurotransmitters resulting in reduced appetite. Effects on nervous system results in increasing heart beat rate and blood pressure which results in a reduced appetite or hunger.
Tenuate diet pills are in form of tablets of 75 mg each, which comes in two forms, immediate release tablets (Tenuate) and controlled release tablets (Tenuate dospan). This pill has to be swallowed with a glass of water, at least one hour before the meal. There is nothing to worry if any dose is missed, but one is advised to never take a double dose.
Using Tenuate diet pill may cause some severe side effects which is a major concern. Side effects, such as, blurred vision, depression, increased blood pressure, nervousness, etc might occur during its usage. One doesn’t need to panic, and should rush to doctors immediately. Besides, precautions must be taken while using Tenuate diet pill to save one from ill effects. One should store Tenuate pills at room temperature below 77 degrees F (25 degrees C), and in a tightly-closed container, away from heat and light.
The best result of using Tenuate diet pill can be gained through a better combination of good diet and proper exercise. Taking controlled diet and appropriate exercise along with this pill helps very effectively to remove fat from body. This pill, in a true way, has to be relied upon in making obese body slimmer and fatless.About the author:
Clarence Carter received training as a healthcare scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find Tenuate diet pills, Xenical, Acomplia, Weight loss drug, Diet pills, Rimonabant Acomplia, Phentermine Diet Pills visit http://www.weight-loss-drug.co.uk