The Basics of the Anti-Cellulite Diet
- By:james dalton
Cellulite is a very common skin condition that afflicts millions of women across the world. Cellulite mainly affects the legs, buttocks, but it can also be found in many different regions. The appearance of cellulite makes it look like the dimpled skin of an orange, or cottage cheese. Many women who have cellulite try different methods to get rid of or reduce cellulite. There are countless products available on the market that targets the thing called cellulite. One way women can reduce cellulite is by changing the way in which they eat, this is known as the anti-cellulite diet. This article will examine the basics of the diet and which foods are good or bad for use in this diet.
The cellulite diet usually consists of food that is beneficially or contributes to the reduction of cellulite in the body. These foods vary, but the main similarity between them is the fact that they are healthy. The main group of foods that are a staple in the anti cellulite diet are fruits and vegetables. Women should eat a substantial amount of these foods to increase their chances of reducing cellulite. Bananas, blueberries, mangos, cranberries are just a few of the fruits which should be eaten on a regular basis. Tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers are some of the vegetables in the list. You can also add healthy food such as white fish, chicken and water to the list of foods that should be consumed in the anti cellulite diet.
Aside from foods that are beneficial to the reduction of cellulite, there are many that contribute to the appearance of cellulite in women. These foods vary but mostly it is food that contain anything high in saturated fat, high sugar foods, foods high in GI carbohydrates like white rice and baked potatoes., Coffee and other caffeinated beverages, High salt foods, Butter, margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils, Red meat and pork. These affect the body differently but all in a negative factor. Compile this along with various other factors, and then you have cellulite in a woman’s body.
There are many more factors that will contribute to cellulite in women, eating differently or changing the way you eat is just one of the steps someone can take to aide in the reduction of cellulite in the body. As stated above certain foods will help the body due to the healthy attributes of the food. If a woman can eat these foods coupled with a good exercise regimen then her chances at reducing cellulite has increased. There are foods that contribute to appearance of cellulite, these foods are usually foods that people love to eat, and ingesting them can only add to the cellulite problem. Stay away from these types of foods and women all over will have a better chance of having less cellulite.
About the author:
James Dalton writes on a wide variety of topics on Cellulite. Sub topics in this specific industry such as Anti-cellulite diet