The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 1
- By:Rich Tweten
“The 1st step towards transformation is awareness” - Rich Tweten
Have you programmed your body to be overweight for life?
That's a scary thought, yet it may be true. Think back to a time when you told yourself that you were going to lose fat. Once motivated, my guess is that you did what you felt was necessary to lose those dreaded pounds.
Did you go on a diet or start an exercise routine? Was there a product you bought that promised great results? How about fat loss pills? Regardless of the behavior you chose to adopt, obviously your efforts weren’t fully rewarded since you’re reading these words right now.
Even the most effective behaviors for losing fat and improving health mean nothing, if you have unconsciously programmed your body to be overweight for life!
Now let me ask you this... what exactly was it that stopped you before and may continue to prevent you from achieving your fat loss goals? It definitely isn’t your body. Instead, it’s your mind that your body serves, responding to it's every command.
So, if you’re hoping to lose your stubborn fat for life, then realize that you must install a new, positive program into your mind to accomplish this. Otherwise, your body will have no other choice but to follow the old, negative programming that has brought you disheartening results in the past and present... that comes with a guarantee for fat loss failure in the future.
This positive program will allow you to create and own your new body instead of renting mediocre results, if any!
The principles you're about to discover is the positive program you’re going to install into your mind.
There are a series of assignments and questions that are brought to your attention in a step-by-step format that will give you valuable insight and self-actualization. It’s a fun, simple and hands-on guide that will set you up for fat loss success!
A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.
Your Goal For Part 1: To increase your awareness about why you need to transform your body for life. Immediately afterwards, making the decision to get started.
Okay, let’s get begin!
This is going to sound strange but you need to trust me on this, okay? Create a private moment for yourself and strip off your clothes. Yes, I mean it and I'm not a weirdo... I promise! Now stay in your underwear or get into a bathing suit and walk over to a mirror (ideally a full length one) and stand in front of it.
Now get ready to ask yourself the following questions as you study your body. I'd like you to verbally respond to all of the questions. Afterwards, write down or type out your answers before moving on to the next.
Just so you know, this first assignment is quite radical and intense. It needs to be, in order for you to feel the need to create a positive transformation to your lifestyle and as a result an improved self-image and new-found happiness.
Question 1: What is your immediate reaction when you first start to study your body? Make sure that you’re standing in a relaxed position and speak out the feelings that enter your mind.
Question 2: Do you believe that your inner health is being affected in a negative way when your body is living in this state? If so, how? Think of your heart, lungs and arteries etc.
Question 3: How is the current condition of your body affecting your everyday attitude, productivity and performance?
Question 4: How is the current condition of your body affecting the people around you and the way they treat you?
Question 5: What has your physical condition cost you in the past and present? Think of your own health, self-esteem, confidence and other areas that have been affected; such as your family, relationships and career.
Question 6: Do you understand why you look and feel the way you do? What are some unhealthy habits that contributed towards the way you look and feel? Think about inactivity, stress and poor nutrition.
Question 7: Imagine how you will look and feel in 5 years from now if you continue with or pick-up more unhealthy habits. How about 10 years... 20 years?
In 5 years:
In 10 years:
In 20 years:
Question 8: Describe your appearance right now after answering the first 7 questions. Are you smiling, frowning or sad? YELL IT OUT with emotional intensity!
Question 9: Do you know of anyone who is older than you by at least 5 years and has a similar lifestyle as yours? Making sure that you’re both of the same gender and built in a similar way, answer the following questions.