The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 2

By:Rich Tweten

“To get what you want you must know what you want” - Rich Tweten

In this next step towards your new body, I’m going to hold your hand and guide you through a fun and exciting journey inside your imagination where things you never thought possible are now going to become very real.

Yes, I’m going to encourage you to visualize exactly how your new body is going to look and feel, in 12-weeks or less!

By seeing a target of what you can achieve you’ll have a much greater chance of hitting it.

A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.

Your Goal For Part 2: To set the fitness goals you need to achieve in 12-weeks or less.
Okay, let's get started!

Walk over to a comfortable chair and relax in your seat. Read through the following assignment until you arrive at a question. Then shut your eyes and visualize exactly what you see and feel.

Remember to answer each question as truthfully as you can in order to get the best possible results.

You're now watching over yourself as your spirit has left your body! You see yourself seated in the same chair that you’re now in, yet something’s different. You’re smiling and begin to talk with enthusiasm and conviction.

“It all began 12-weeks ago when I was thinking about losing weight. I discovered ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’ and decided to give it a try. As I started to work my way through the Info-System, I went from thinking about changing the way my body looked and the way I felt in a positive way, to really deciding to do it."

"As I remained true to my decision, my body started to transform! Firstly, I noticed that my everyday tasks were becoming easier since I was gaining more energy.”

Question 1: What are the 3 everyday tasks that are going to be easier for you to perform after following this system for 12-weeks or less?

Think of walking home after a long day or climbing up a flight of stairs. Before you answer, remember to visualize yourself performing the task with ease. How do you feel now that you’re lighter on your feet and quicker as well?

Example: Standing up and walking around the office.

Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 3:

“After I realized that these everyday tasks were becoming easier it definitely helped to motivate me in continuing on. Next, I found that my body was moving around more swiftly and objects that I needed to move or pick-up seemed lighter than before since I was gaining flexibility and strength.”

Question 2: What are the 3 objects that you'll be able to move or pick-up easily after following this system for 12-weeks or less?

Think of a bag of groceries or a child. Before you answer, visualize yourself lifting or pushing the object. How light does it feel now compared to before?

Example: Moving the couch out of the way as I vacuum.

Object 1:

Object 2:

Object 3:

“It wasn’t long at all until my physical appearance started to change, in a positive way. I now get comments all the time from my friends expressing how great I look and that I seem happier and more confident!"

"It feels fantastic knowing that I can now accept and admire the way I look!"

"I think it’s time to try on my favorite outfit that I couldn’t fit into less than 12-weeks ago.”

You watch yourself stand up with good posture and then walk towards the same mirror you stood before wearing only your underwear or bathing suit. Then you hear yourself talking again...

“All over my body, I've lost inches and become more defined. I can see more shape around areas of my body that were flat. I definitely don’t feel as smooth as before. Instead I feel firm and toned!”

Question 3: What do you see in the mirror after following this system for 12-weeks or less? Before you answer, make sure to fully visualize the way you look and feel. Describe your facial expression. Where do you notice the loss of inches? How much definition do you see now and where is it most striking? How does it feel when you rub your hands all over your body? Be as descriptive as possible in your response.

“I’ve just got to try on my favorite outfit that I couldn’t fit into less than 12-weeks ago. Wow! It fits me like a glove. It’s looser than before around certain parts of my body, especially my hips, waist and thighs."

Question 4: What is the size of the outfit that will fit you just right after following this system for 12-weeks or less? Before you answer, remember to visualize the way you appear in the outfit. Describe how it looks and the way it feels on you now, rather than before. If you don't have an outfit you like that doesn't fit you, then is there one that you'd like to buy? If so, describe it and how you can see yourself looking in it.