The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 3 a

By:Rich Tweten

“You are what you believe” - Rich Tweten

Do you know that your behavior (good or bad), which determines your results, is caused by your beliefs? A belief is something in which you feel very strongly about. Yes, behavior doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by cause!

Think back to a time when you decided to feel depressed since you believed you were gaining body fat. Did that feeling of depression cause you to get excited, talk positively about yourself, stand tall and perform a workout, in order to lose the unwanted fat?

I don’t think so...

Instead, I’m sure you were feeling down, talking negatively about yourself, slouched over and lazy. As a result of that behavior, you either kept the fat on or gained more.

Can you remember how long you continued to behave that way until you became motivated to lose all of your extra fat? Depression and bad behavior really can linger on, can’t it?

Realize that it’s the way you interpret a belief that causes you to express an emotion that affects your behavior, thus results!

Now, you didn’t have to wait for something to motivate you before changing your behavior so you could start stripping off the fat, did you?

You had the power within you all along to become motivated with the snap of your fingers!

Yes, a transformation really can happen in an instant.

In order to successfully transform your body, realize that you need to learn how to control your emotions. Only then will you be able to break down your unhealthy beliefs and form new ones that are healthier in exchange.

Are you following me?

I hope so...

Okay, now back to the example... if you made the decision to feel motivated by your belief that you were gaining fat instead of feeling depressed then I’m sure you’d exercise instead of acting lazy. As a result, you’d begin to lose fat and that very same unhealthy belief (I'm gaining fat) would break down.

In exchange, a new and healthier belief (I’m losing fat) would emerge and begin to build upon itself while supporting your efforts.

So, what are the unhealthy beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your fat loss goals? How do you break them down and what are the healthy beliefs that you should replace them with? Well, you're about to discover all of the answers as you read on!

A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.

Your Goal For Part 3: You’re about to identify and confess to the main unhealthy beliefs that control you in relation to exercise and nutrition. These unhealthy beliefs that you'll uncover are partially responsible for creating the way you look and feel, at this moment in time.

You'll learn why these beliefs need to be broken down and how to replace them with the suggested healthier alternatives so you can escape from the never-ending cycle of losing fat then gaining it back!

Afterwards (if necessary) you'll confront the main unhealthy belief that you have about your body. After identifying how you're allowing that belief to affect your behavior in a negative way, you'll then discover how to change your interpretation of that unhealthy belief in a positive manner whenever needed.

As a result, new feelings will grab hold of you and you’ll become motivated to behave productively. Soon after you begin the physical component of this system, you’ll find that all of your unhealthy beliefs will have broken down while new and healthier beliefs will have built up, ensuring that you’ll lose all your stubborn fat for life!

Okay, it's time to get to work!

From the time you appeared on the face of the earth to this current moment, you’ve been busy establishing beliefs in your mind. In my opinion, those beliefs are either healthy (positive) or unhealthy (negative).

It's very probable that there were some unhealthy beliefs formed in your childhood that you could still be holding onto right now... and they are affecting your activity levels and eating habits in a negative way.

Do you see why it’s critical to identify then break down the unhealthy beliefs that have caused bad behaviors? I hope so. Whatever you do please don’t skip this step unless you’re looking for similar, physical results that you’ve achieved in the past, repeated in the future.

Breaking Down Your Unhealthy Beliefs Related To Exercise And Nutrition:

Below, you’ll see a list of unhealthy beliefs that many people associate with exercise that are featured under, 'My Belief'. After reading each one ask yourself if you believe in it. If you do, be honest with yourself and think about why that is. Please understand that these unhealthy beliefs can only limit your potential and stop you from realizing the awesome fat loss results that you can achieve.