The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 3 b
- By:Rich Tweten
“You are what you believe” - Rich Tweten
Part 3 continued…
My Belief: I believe that I'll gain size by working out with weights.
I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard this misconception. Is it a result from observing the professional bodybuilders who are in the magazines and on television? If so, I’m sure they haven’t taken into consideration the fact that these people are on serious doses of steroids!
The truth is that when you’re on a consistent weight training program you usually will maintain the muscle on your body or even gain some yet not as much as you fear. The amount of muscle that you can add to your frame depends mainly on your age, bone structure and other genetic traits.
If you’re a woman then realize that you have approximately 10 times less testosterone than a man. Testosterone is one of the key ingredients that influences just how much muscle you can actually add to your body.
However, even if you do add muscle... realize that body fat takes up roughly 18 percent more space.
As a result, you’ll lose size from your fatty areas since muscle is more compact than body fat and the extra muscle – which is active calorie melting tissue – will allow you to burn more calories at rest which helps to keep the fat off.
Rich's Belief: I believe that you'll lose size by working out with weights!
My Belief: I believe that walking is best for burning body fat.
I’ll admit that walking can help you to burn calories and drop body fat, yet it’s possible to melt more calories and fat by working out with weights instead. When you perform lower intensity aerobic exercise (meaning your muscles can receive and use the oxygen needed that allows fat and glucose to be burned for energy), such as walking... you’ll burn more calories than when you’re resting during the day while possibly even burning more calories than usual for several hours after the workout.
On the other hand, when you perform higher intensity anaerobic exercise (meaning your muscles can't receive and use the oxygen needed so instead it comes from chemical energy and glucose stored within your body versus fat), such as a weight training session, you'll burn far more calories than usual during the workout and afterwards as well. Yet studies have proven that it’s possible to burn extra calories for up to a full day after your weight training workout!
How, you ask?
The intensity of weight training breaks apart your muscle tissue during the workout. It’s possible for your muscles to continue breaking down afterwards... which speeds up your metabolism so your body can burn far more calories than usual as a result.
Rich's Belief: I believe that weight training is best for burning body fat!
My Belief: I believe that light weights will help me to get toned while heavier weights will cause me to bulk-up.
First of all, let’s determine what toning-up and bulking-up really means. It’s my belief that toning is simply the act of becoming tighter and more defined while bulking-up is all about gaining size in the form of fat and muscle. It isn’t possible to become toned by lifting a weight that's light as a feather all day long, so don’t waste your time! Also, it isn’t possible to become bulky by using a heavy enough weight that you can only lift for 10 seconds.
It’s a combination of several different factors such as calorie consumption, genetic traits and your overall workout program that dictates whether you’re going to become toned or bulked-up.
Rich's Belief: I believe that the amount of weight you use in a workout alone isn't enough to guarantee whether you're going to tone-up or bulk-up!
My Belief: I believe that when I perform abdominal crunches I lose body fat in that area alone.
All of the sleazy salesmen who promote the abdominal gadgets on late night television are ecstatic that people believe in this misconception. But the customers who buy into these products aren’t too happy when they use the gadget religiously only to get no fat loss results whatsoever and then throw it away.
Yes, there are reasons why you’ll never lose body fat from one specific area on your body alone.
When you perform any exercise for your abs what you’re actually doing is strengthening them, not burning body fat from that area. This applies to any exercise, even the thigh master!
If you happen to burn more calories by performing the ab exercises while you train the rest of your body and improve your eating habits on a consistent basis, then body fat still won’t come off that one area alone.
You see, there are compartments all over your body that excess fat enters for storage purposes. When there's a need to release a certain amount of fat from your body then your mind instructs it to come off wherever it sees fit. You can’t possibly control where it’s going to escape from.