The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 3 c
- By:Rich Tweten
“You are what you believe” - Rich Tweten
Part 3 continued…
Suddenly, a selection of paints on a pallet along with a brush, magically appear before you! You feel the need to move away from those negative feelings and instead behave in such a way so you’ll feel satisfied and content. You envision a behavior that you’ve resorted to in the past, which helped you to run away from those negative feelings and feel good again. All you have to work with is some paint and a brush so you decide to paint a picture of the behavior on the blank canvass.
Question 3: Paint a picture of a behavior on the blank canvass that you normally resort to as a result of feeling negatively towards the belief that you're overweight. Negative feelings most often lead to inactivity, overeating, excessive consumption of junk food, smoking, alcohol abuse, hiding or running away from the problem.
First, paint the picture in your mind and then describe what you see below in your own words. Afterwards, draw a picture on a blank piece of paper to see the image come to life! Now ask yourself the following questions before you visualize the painting. How large is the canvass? What colors of paint are you using? Are your paint strokes slow or fast, soft or abrupt? How are you behaving and do you appear happy or sad? Are you moving or still? Is there anyone else or an object in the painting as well? Where are you located inside the painting?
Example of an unproductive behavior: Since I feel depressed about believing that I’m overweight, I usually wear my baggy sweater to cover everything up.
Example of how I’d paint a picture of that behavior: Since I automatically choose to feel this way on a regular basis due to this unhealthy belief, I’d definitely use a large canvass so the painting feels close to me. The colors that I use to paint myself and the background will be dark yet I’ll paint my sweater a bright yellow since that is the one I put on to feel better. My paint strokes will be quite slow since I’m low on energy. I’ll wear my favorite sweater as I’m lying down on the couch in my living room watching television. I’ll be alone with a comfortable look on my face while feeling sorry for myself.
The unproductive behavior:
The painting (draw your picture on a separate piece of paper):
Question 4: How will you be affected in the future if you continue on behaving in that unproductive manner. Be descriptive when explaining how you’re going to feel and the way you’re going to look. Also, think of how your inner health will be affected as well.
Example of a consequence from an unproductive behavior: If I continue to feel depressed as a result of believing that I’m overweight while also covering myself up with a sweater to hide away from the problem... I'll gain more weight, feel really bad and will shorten my life span further since I’m thinking negatively and not doing anything to lose the weight.
The consequence of the unproductive behavior:
Since you’ve made it this far I'm sure you now realize some of the reasons why you behave the way you do. Being aware of what you need to change about yourself is the first step towards breaking down unhealthy beliefs then building up healthier ones in exchange.
I realize that you can’t snap your fingers and change the belief that your overweight in an instant. Remember, it’s your fat loss results that will change the belief about your body after you start using ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’!
Moving along, it’s now important to change the way you react to your unhealthy belief in a positive way. When you learn how to generate positive feelings concerning anything you see, hear or feel inside that would normally cause you to feel negative, you’ll then automatically develop the habit of behaving in a more productive manner on a regular basis.
Of course you’ll need to learn exactly what the most productive behaviors are that you can use. I’ll teach this to you shortly...
Question 5: Below, you'll see the same list of negative feelings that were introduced to you before in this assignment. Once again; circle or type out the negative feelings that you associate with the unhealthy belief about your body (I'm overweight). When you select the negative feelings make sure you can still see the painting of the unproductive behavior that was created in your mind. After you're finished... I would like you to circle or type out the opposing positive feelings directly below, as these feelings are going to allow you to act proactively!
Example of feelings associated to the unhealthy belief: I'm overweight.
Negative Feelings