The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 4 a

By:Rich Tweten

“Your life transforms in a positive way with each empowering decision you keep” - Rich Tweten

Looking back into my own life I remember several times when I said to myself that I was going to make a decision about something.

Afterwards, thinking that I made it only to break that very same decision down the road for certain reasons. As a result of breaking decisions not only did I slow down my own personal progress but I also felt disappointed in myself for not maintaining my focus. I then got into the habit of breaking decisions and making them, breaking them and making them, breaking them and making them. Okay, you get the picture! It can become a vicious cycle.

Why did I break those decisions in the first place? I believe the main reason was me not linking enough pleasure towards the result of the empowering decision and instead more to breaking it, thus deciding to return to my old and unhealthy habits.

The definition of a decision is to decide what you want and then to cut every other option off by keeping that decision. To cut everything else off! Every day we make decisions without even realizing it. For example; you get home from work and sit down to watch TV. Suddenly after becoming entranced by the television show you realize that it’s time to get up to perform your workout. You need to make a decision to take a specific action. It’s obvious what the right thing to do is since you decided earlier to workout on this day, yet there's a battle going on inside your head!

There’s a little devil by your left ear demanding you to put the workout on hold so you can experience the short-term pleasure of your show and relaxation. A little angel by your right ear is telling you to get up and workout in order to feel good about sticking to your original decision and continuing to work towards your fat loss goals. But, I've got to tell you... the immediate decision that you make will transform your life!

For the first little while you may need to pay extra attention to every situation where you’re faced with a decision that can affect your fat loss progress. However, after training yourself to consistently make empowering decisions of action, you’ll soon be able to do this unconsciously on a daily basis since those actions will have become habits of your own!

A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.

Your Goal For Part 4: To create new and empowering decisions of action.

First, you'll learn the specific decisions that will help you to lose your stubborn fat for life. From there, you'll write down the pleasurable results that you can expect from making those decisions and the painful consequences for not making them, or breaking them and resorting back to any unproductive behavioral habits of the past.

Afterwards, I'm certain you'll agree to activate each empowering decision. So, when you find yourself tempted to take that little devil's advice to go against one of those empowering decisions... simply come back to this step in order to remind yourself as to why you made that decision in the first place and the consequence of breaking it.

As a result, you'll have a much greater chance of taking the little angel's advice by making that empowering decision instead of acting upon your impulses.

Okay... let's begin!

I'd now like you to start this assignment by studying the section below that's titled, 'The 10 Monumental Habits of Action!'. These are the healthy habits that will replace the unhealthy ones that controlled you in the past. Upon deciding to activate these 10 habits, you’ll soon turn them into your own monumental habits of action!

... and in 12-weeks or less, you’ll realize how making those decisions was a major part of your physical transformation.

The 10 Monumental Habits of Action:

Habits! Habits!! Habits!!! We’re all creatures of habit. Imagine the following scenario. When you decide to perform a new behavior, simultaneously a small thread sprouts from your brain and attaches to this action.

As you continue to repeat that behavior, gradually as time evolves that thread will begin to multiply by becoming thicker and longer in length, thus turning the behavior into a habit. What once was a thread is now a rope and it can be hard to break! So, doesn’t it make sense to form healthy habits rather than unhealthy ones? I think so!

I realize that new, healthy habits may bring about more pain in the short-term than old, unhealthy habits. However, in the near future... I’m certain that those healthy habits will be more pleasurable than the unhealthy ones, due to results! The choice is yours for which habits you’d like to cultivate, but I'm going to assume that you'd like to form healthy habits.