The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 4 b
- By:Rich Tweten
“Your life transforms in a positive way with each empowering decision you keep” - Rich Tweten
Part 4 continued…
The 4th, Monumental Habit of Action:
Eat 5 to 6, balanced and just the right sized meals daily for 6 days each week
By eating 5 to 6, balanced and just the right sized meals daily for 6 days each week you'll lose excess body fat, gain energy and will experience less cravings throughout the day.
This is a result of your accelerated metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories than usual and also from giving your body just what it needs in terms of food, instead of too much. It doesn't matter if you're eating an overdose of fat or carbohydrates, most of the extra calories that your body doesn't require for immediate and future energy purposes at that time will get stored as body fat instead!
If you're only eating 1 to 3 small or large meals a day, then since your body is going for some time without food, your mind assumes that it's actually starving! So, the last thing your mind wants your body to do in a case like that is to let go of body fat. Instead, it hangs onto it for dear life for the stored energy it needs. The benefits you'll get from cultivating this monumental habit of action far outweighs the inconvenience of preparing and consuming the additional meals.
Your 4th Empowering Decision:
"I'll eat 5 to 6, balanced and just the right sized meals daily for 6 days each week."
Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:
Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:
Do you Agree or Disagree with the 4th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)
The 5th, Monumental Habit of Action:
Don’t eat starchy carbs and fruit in the last 2 meals of the day and instead eat more veggies, for 6 days each week
By locking the starchy carbs and fruit out of your mouth come the last 2 meals of the day and instead eating more veggies, for 6 days each week... you’ll feel less sluggish and bloated, and instead will become more energetic. Not only that but you’ll lose excess body fat.
Let’s not forget about that!
Starchy carbs and fruit are calorie-dense foods and your body breaks them down quite rapidly for energy. Later on in the day when you’re not as active your body doesn’t need this rapid burst of energy. So, the extra carbohydrates or glucose enters your body fat stores instead of getting used up in your daily activities. Furthermore, the starchy carbs and fruit cause the sugar in your blood stream to rise quickly and drop suddenly, which creates that sluggish and bloated condition. I’m sure that’s not how you’d like to feel.
Your 5th Empowering Decision:
"I won't eat starchy carbs and fruit in the last 2 meals of the day and instead I'll eat more veggies, for 6 days each week."
Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:
Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:
Do you Agree or Disagree with the 5th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)
The 6th, Monumental Habit of Action:
Limit the alcohol, pop, candy and worst fats while eating more of the best fats, for 6 days each week
By limiting your intake of alcohol, pop, candy and the worst fats you’ll love how your body will become tighter and more defined in such a short period of time! More of the best fats such as olive, flax and canola oil will help to increase your energy and improve the condition of your eyes, hair and skin without causing you to gain body fat.
Your 6th Empowering Decision:
"I'll limit the alcohol, pop, candy and worst fats while eating more of the best fats, for 6 days each week."
Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:
Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:
Do you Agree or Disagree with the 6th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)
The 7th, Monumental Habit of Action:
Drink 8 to 12, 8 ounce glasses of water a day, for 6 days each week
Your muscles are made up of 79 percent water, the rest of their contents being protein. When you’re constantly hydrating your body you’ll maintain your shape, while keeping an active... fat burning metabolism since your muscles are full of water. Not only that but your entire body will be running more efficiently since there is enough water to transport vital nutrients around to where your body needs them.
Do you know that before you even get thirsty you could be dehydrated and if you go that long or longer without drinking you’ll sure feel the difference! Can you think back to times when you’ve gone a half-day or more without water? You noticed the weaker feeling, your attitude changing; this is your body crying out for it and as the need goes up your energy and strength comes down. You’ve decided to feel and look better, so do the right thing and drink water!