The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 4 c

By:Rich Tweten

“Your life transforms in a positive way with each empowering decision you keep” - Rich Tweten

Part 4 continued…

The 8th, Monumental Habit of Action:

To react in a healthier way to stressful situations


It's important to react in a healthier way when dealing with stressful situations (psychological and physical trauma) so you’ll avoid unnecessary side effects such as a weakened immune system that can make you more susceptible to colds, coughs and infections. Also, there will be a lessened chance of developing arthritis and asthma due to stress as well.

Do you know that stress causes a hormone called Cortisol to be secreted from the pancreas inside your body? As a result it actually eats away at your muscles so your body can use the tissue for the energy that's needed in greater supply during that stressful moment. That won't help you to get shapely, will it? So, if you find it difficult to react in a healthier way to stress during the day and feel anxiety, a pitter-patter heart along with tightened muscles... then take control and stop it by changing your thoughts and behavior in a positive way!

Your 8th Empowering Decision:

"I'll react in a healthier way to stressful situations."

Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:

Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:

Do you Agree or Disagree with the 8th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)

The 9th, Monumental Habit of Action:

To sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day, for 6 days each week


If you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day, for 6 days each week... you’ll feel more energized, alert and will improve your chances of maintaining a good mood (not saying that you’re usually in a bad mood since I personally don’t know you!). Do you know that if you aren’t getting enough sleep on a regular basis that it can cause you to store more body fat? Yes, it's true!

Recent studies have proved that a lack of sleep may cause you to have an increased appetite for food during the day, which can lead to overeating and new body fat to follow. Additionally, sleep loss may elevate blood levels of glucose (a basic sugar that comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates). Excess glucose promotes the overproduction of insulin (a hormone that carries glucose and other nutrients to organs, muscles and body fat storage compartments), which can promote the storage of fat, and can also lead to insulin resistance, a critical feature of adult-onset diabetes. Not only that but a lack of sleep will also prolong any muscle soreness that you've encountered from weight training since your body regenerates itself during sleep.

Your 9th Empowering Decision:

"I'll sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day, for 6 days each week."

Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:

Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:

Do you Agree or Disagree with the 9th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)

The 10th, Monumental Habit of Action:

Take 1 day off each week to eat naughty foods and give yourself a rest from exercise


By eating some of those sugary and fatty foods that you enjoy and taking a day off from your workouts, you’ll increase your motivation to get back to your active and healthy lifestyle the following day. It will be a reminder for you as to why you’ve switched to this new lifestyle. Not only that but it’s a break from the routine and allows for flexibility as well.

Your 10th Empowering Decision:

"I'll take 1 day off each week to eat naughty foods and give myself a rest from exercise."

Pleasurable result of making that empowering decision:

Painful consequence of not making or breaking that empowering decision:

Do you Agree or Disagree with the 10th empowering decision?
(circle or type out your answer)

If you didn’t use part 3 b and 3c within this article series... then move ahead to part 5, reading through the following if you wish.

A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.

Question 1: Go back to the blank canvass that's inside the picture gallery of your mind once again and paint a new picture of a productive behavior (one of the monumental habits of action) that you’ve already decided to adopt as a result of feeling positive towards the altered unhealthy belief (I'm overweight at this time yet not for long!) about your body. Make sure that you can see the painting clearly inside your mind before explaining in your own words how you're behaving when drawing the picture on a separate piece of paper.