The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 5
- By:Rich Tweten
“Make good things happen to yourself or bad things will surely happen to you” - Rich Tweten
I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying that actions speak louder than words. Knowledge and words alone won’t get you any fabulous fat loss results at all if you don’t take action! It’s easy to talk about what you’re going to do in order to lose fat and feel better about yourself, but it often seems more difficult to actually do something about it. Sound familiar? But trust me, taking action is only as difficult as you make it!
After activating those new and empowering decisions, I’m sure you’re now aware that there's more actions you’ll need to perform on an everyday basis. Yes, this will take more personal effort... but if you don’t take the necessary action that’s needed now, it will take far greater effort in the future to start living a healthier lifestyle and to deal with the painful consequences to follow. So, don’t get overwhelmed by looking at all the work that needs to get done. Instead, I encourage you to focus on taking everything 1 day at a time or shall I say... 1 step at a time! By taking small but consistent steps of action on a daily basis, you'll succeed in adopting the 10 monumental habits of action.
A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.
Your Goal For Part 5: To learn how to improve your chances of taking the right steps of action on a consistent basis so you can lose all of your stubborn fat for life!
There are 2 main reasons that people use to justify the fact that they aren’t taking the action that’s needed in order to realize the great physical and mental results that they want to experience. Let me re-phrase that: There are 2 preventable and potentially devastating reasons…!
The first one is called procrastination. When people procrastinate they normally have a list of excuses as to why they aren’t behaving in a productive manner. They feel that those excuses are legitimate and try to live guilt free. Maybe they are legitimate excuses, yet they are still excuses!
From the way I see it, the only way a person can’t start to take small but consistent steps of action in order to work towards their fat loss goals is if they’re in a grave! We all have the same amount of time in a day and it’s up to us in terms of how we use that time.
There are no dress rehearsals in life, so we should all strive to use our time as wisely as possible.
The 2nd preventable and potentially devastating reason is called giving up. By giving up there is absolutely no hope for a person to realize their fitness goals and the only thing that they can do from there is to dream about what could’ve been and deal with the regret and painful consequences to follow. It’s obvious that you haven’t given up since you’re reading these words right now. Therefore, we’ll focus on the main excuses people use to cover up procrastination.
Question 1: Identify all of the excuses you’ve used in the past and present to avoid taking the appropriate steps of action so you could work towards reaching your fitness goals.
Below, you’ll see the top 3 reasons to write up to 3 related excuses under. Remember, that these excuses are all a form of the 1st preventable and potentially devastating reason known as procrastination. Afterwards, I’d like to know how you were affected by using those excuses instead of working towards your fitness goals. Lastly, I’ll provide a few tips that will help you to eliminate each excuse.
Excuses related to time:
Example of an excuse related to time: I told myself in the past that I didn’t have the time to exercise. With the kids, work and my other responsibilities it seemed impossible to take the time to look after myself.
Excuse 1:
Excuse 2:
Excuse 3:
How I was and will continue to be affected from using those excuses:
Example of how I was and will continue to be affected from using that excuse: By using that time related excuse I missed out on 2 years of my life when I could've been healthier while looking and feeling better about myself. If I continue to use that excuse, then I’ll gain more body fat and lose more energy as a result.
Affect of excuse 1:
Affect of excuse 2:
Affect of excuse 3:
Tips from Rich on how to drop your excuses related to time:
Tip 1:
Ask yourself how you can afford NOT to have the time! Making the time to exercise should be near the top on your list of priorities since your body is your most precious possession. It’s a possession that you’ll never be able to replace! By taking the appropriate action steps to improve your health and lose fat, you'll gain more energy and will become more efficient in the day... as a result, getting more done!