The No FAT Lies Secret Psychology For Fat Loss Success - Part 6

By:Rich Tweten

“Living well on a day-to-day basis brings eternal happiness” - Rich Tweten

You can have the necessary tools found inside ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’ that will help you to lose all your stubborn fat for life! Do you notice how I said, for life? Yes, it’s now possible! Again, I realize that you may have tried an exercise program and diet in the past only to quit for some reason. If this is so, please accept the fact that this time things really will be different for you!

I know you’re searching for more happiness. The results that you’ll get by following my program will allow you to become happier as a person. Not only that but you’ll enjoy the journey. It’s the journey that will ensure your short and long-term success! Yes, there's a reason why so many people (maybe even yourself) have failed to lose fat and keep it off before. Could it be due to the fact that the journey wasn’t as pleasurable as the old, unhealthy lifestyle that was put on hold? I believe it!

Instead, your new journey towards your exciting fat loss results needs to become more pleasurable than the old, unhealthy lifestyle that you're now leaving behind.

A Tip From Rich: To participate in the following assignment, simply print off this article then write down your answers on a separate piece of paper, or type them out inside a text file as you go.

Your Goal For Part 6: To develop more confidence and peace of mind from knowing that you'll be consistent in following ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’ and get the best possible results.

Let's begin by identifying the main reasons why a person stops, or is inconsistent soon after beginning an exercise program or diet.

It’s been my experience that a person can lose motivation if they’re not seeing quick results, or enjoying themselves while taking action to lose weight. Also, if the new way of living is inconvenient or time consuming then that certainly doesn’t help either. By using the workouts and nutrition plan that's within this system, you won't have to worry about that anymore... so let out a “HURRAY!”.

Is there anything else that can stop you from adhering to this new way of life on a consistent basis? How about temptations and urges? Highly emotional situations can cause you to feel an urge to resort back to an old and unproductive behavior that brought you temporary pleasure before and out of the painful situation. So, if this behavior allowed you to feel relieved and satisfied in the past then there's a strong chance that you'll behave the same way in the future when reacting to a similar feeling!

For example, let’s say you’re caught in a traffic jam and you’re now going to be late for an appointment. Due to the familiar stress you suddenly have an urge for a cigarette, knowing full well that you vowed to stay away from them, for good. Then, you see the driver next to you with one in his hand, so you roll down your window and ask for one. All of a sudden you’re back to your old, unhealthy habit of smoking!

Instead, couldn’t you have reached for a stick of bubble gum or a squeeze ball? Wouldn’t that be a healthier habit to form? It’s up to you for what you reach for, yet I encourage you to go for the healthier alternative since you won’t sabotage your fitness and health goals. Realize that it’s important to replace the unhealthy habit with the healthy, since you must have an alternative habit to preoccupy yourself with.

Question 1: What are 4 unhealthy remedies such as smoking, drinking, chips, pop, donuts etc., that you reach for when you’re tempted or have an urge as a result of any stressful situation. Underneath your response, state the reason as to why you subject yourself to each unhealthy remedy. Again, think of highly emotional situations that usually trigger a negative feeling. Lastly, identify the painful consequence of using that remedy instead of a healthier alternative.

An example of a unhealthy remedy: A bag of chips.

The reason you reach for that unhealthy remedy:

After a stressful day at work, I'm often tempted and then make the decision to reach for a bag of chips.

Painful consequence of using that unhealthy remedy: Since I’ve developed the habit of reaching for a bag of chips for over a year now after stressful days at work, I’ve been feeling bloated and have put on more body fat as a result.

Unhealthy remedy 1:

Why do you reach for that unhealthy remedy:

The painful consequence for using that unhealthy remedy:

Unhealthy remedy 2:

Why do you reach for that unhealthy remedy:

The painful consequence for using that unhealthy remedy: