Watch Your Weight While Enjoying the Holiday Season
- By:Mei Galang
Holidays like Christmas is a time where people often get excess weight because of the countless gathering, parties and other social activities because these occasion is simply a great time for family and friends to get together. Eating is the favorite activity one these occasions.
Many of those who are conscious of their health, specifically their weight, feel that they can’t enjoy these gatherings. Some resolves into choosing one food to splurge on to avoid gaining weight. This can be really disappointing since its on holiday season where the good stuffs are served. The good news is you can definitely enjoy the tempting foods on Christmas without feeling guilty.
When holidays, like Christmas are fast approaching, many weight concious take this time to be relax on their given diet mainly because these times is when theres a great struggle to maintain your weight loss program. You don’t have to be too strict to yourself, you can get a balance between healthy eating and exercise habits to keep up with your target weight.
Holidays like Christmas season is a part of every person’s life so you should adjust and find a way to handle these crucial period.
If you look back on last Christmas, does over indulging on foods made you feel better? Maybe after enjoying the food, you felt guilty on all the efforts lost on a single day. Think hard if you want to do it again this year?
Holidays like Christmas is a test on how you can hold on to your program, if you managed to have a balance then you’ll be most likely on a positive track. On the otherhand gaining some weight after this season can make it difficult for you to convince and motivate yourself to be on track in your weight loss program.
Amidst all these, a realistic approach on weight loss program for Christmas season is encouraged. Its better to indulge on some foods but do not over do it. There’s always a middle point which can vary among individuals. You should draw the line on how you can realistically prevent weight gain during Holidays. Determine specific steps that you can take action to and make expectations that you are willing to work on. Keep in mind that you are indeed human and not perfect.
When you need to eat, enjoy the food but set a limit on the amount of food that should be eaten. Do not deprive yourself but do not over indulge. Be realistic and allow yourself for reasonable servings of each food but don’t forget to add some minutes on your exercise routine.
Lastly, do not fuss to much since holidays are meant for celebration.About the author:
Mei is an article contributor for Oz Free Classifieds, where there are a lot of useful Medicine ads and health product listings that can surely help you enjoy a healthier life!