Weight Loss - Fast Food And Obesity
- By:Richard Bean
Drive-up restaurants, milkshakes, fries, and time-honored burgers and dripping Coney Islands – that’s what makes the American cuisine – since the 1950’s. This has been America’s characteristic manner of preparing food – Fast Food – the epitome of the American life. Yet should tradition hinder improvement?
Occurrence of Fast food Obesity: According to a report published in Chicago Tribune, fast-food consumption is more in higher-income households, young boys, older children, African-Americans and children living in the south, whereas fast food consumption is found to be low in youngsters living in the West, rural areas, Hispanics, white women and those aged 4 to 8. Due to the increase in the number of fast food outlets, fast food prevails in virtually every segment of the society, including hospitals and schools, as per a study on fast food & obesity by Harvard School of Public Health.
Healthy Weight-Conscious Food Can Be Fast Food
The idea that you need lots of time to prepare and cook healthy meals is a myth and probably one circulated by the fast-food industry. After all, the very name "fast-food" implies that home-cooking is slow-cooking. Not true! It's perfectly possible to prepare healthy weight-reducing meals in minutes. The secret is organisation!
Fast food and obesity are closely linked. Studies have shown that fast foods are very high in energy density (the amount of calories different foods contain weight for weight) and these high density foods can cause people to accidentally eat more calories than they need.
A typical fast food meal has an energy density 150% more than an average traditional meal. A fast food meal contains many more calories than a similar-sized portion of a healthy meal.
It’s up to us!
As is expected the fast food industry is not going to think it possible to suddenly change its direction after years of offering poor food choices. It will have to come from the consumer demanding healthier food choices. Our vote comes with where we shop and what we buy. Our children and grandchildren will grow up with weight and other health problems if they continue eating the fast food.
Scientists writing in the current issue of the Lancet report that study participants who visited fast food restaurants twice a week or more gained 10 more pounds and experienced double the increase in insulin resistance compared to subjects who indulged less than once a week.
To get rid of this problem, eat less and exercise more. If you can’t bear separation from fast foods, just eat less of them. Add some physical exercise also to keep your weight under control. Remember, fast food obesity is largely caused by lack of exercise.
On their part, fast food manufacturers would also do a service if they served fewer foods that are jam-packed with calories. They should serve more foods that promote “healthy eating.”About the author:
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