Weight Loss Body Balance
- By:Ms. CiCi
Weight Loss Body Balance: Dieting, Exercise and Rest. We all know that diet is just part of the formula to lose weight. Stay away from fried foods. Eat lots of fresh fruit, salads and cereals. Cook with olive oil or canola oil. Eat smaller portions. Learn to read labels. Stay away from anything that contains more than 10 grams of sugar. You also need to get your body moving and exercise to help your body burn even more calories. The ideal workout plan would see you doing your workout 4 times a week for 30 minutes at a time. You must force yourself to follow a schedule. After you turn it into a habit, your body will start to remind you if you miss a workout. If you have a stationary bicycle or a treadmill, you can do you exercise time while watching your favorite television show.
First of all, have FUN while doing whatever you are doing! Try to have fun while you work out! The more you enjoy your exercise activity, the more likely you are to stick with it. Consider things like playing tennis, bicycling, and swimming if those are activities that you enjoy. If you like dancing, how about an aerobics or jazzercise class? Or if you have a pet, take a daily walk with your pet. Speaking of walking: when was the last time you took a walk with your family? Summer evenings are a perfect time to enjoy a nice walk. There was a time when it was a common sight to see families out for an evening stroll. Families enjoyed each other's company. Families who walk together are a closer family. Seems as this wonderful tradition has been lost. Do your part to revive it. Burn calories while you enjoy your family.
If you don't have family nearby consider getting a gym membership. It is a great way to exercise, get in shape and stay in shape. If you have a local gym with a nice environment, give it a try. Many of them have free weekly or two week memberships you can take advantage of to see if you enjoy it as a workout location. You may find a lot of people who are in a similar situation as you and have an instant support group at the gym. Working out goes best when you have friends to work out with, enjoying each other's company.
Add a little more walking time to your daily activities. When you go to the store don't look for the closest space, but park at the far side of the parking lot and hike in to the store. You can also go up the stairs instead of using the elevator whenever possible.
Whatever you decide to do to lose weight the most important thing to remember is: stick to it! If you join a gym membership, don't let it be a waste of your money. Put the days and times you are going to go to the gym on the calendar and keep those appointed times, just like you would any other important appointment. Make sure to spend at least 30 minutes working out when you go and you should workout at least three times a week. You can also ask a gym trainer for advise on what will work best for your weight loss plan.
And, last, but not least: REST. Go to bed at a reasonable hour. Get at least eight hours sleep every night. If you are one of those people that find it hard to go to sleep at night remember this: you will find the more you exercise the more your body is going to want to rest. So get more exercise!
Our bodies were created to operate in proper balance. We need to learn the importance of this balance - balanced food intake, balanced rest, balanced exercise. To allow imbalance to take place is simply asking for consequences. And, those consequences are never the good kind! ~ Ms.CiCi ~ http://www.cici-online.com,
About the author:
Ms. CiCi, has a gift of teaching, is an accomplished author and world traveler who enjoys sharing her life's experiences with others, making their life, their world a bit easier. Her writings expose her wealth of "secret information" so derived from her travels as well as drawing from her own personal wealth of wisdom. A great lover of nature, a visit to her website is a true delight. http://www.CiCi-Online.Com