Weight Loss Guide - Can Fasting Assist Rapid Weight Loss

By:Richard Bean

It sounds so simple – no choices, no counting calories, no cooking. Just say 'no' to food, and start fasting for quick weight loss and other health benefits.

After all, Beyonce did it. She said she lost 20 pounds by fasting (and using a concoction of syrup, lemon juice, water and cayenne pepper)for her role in Dreamgirls.

Do you want to lose your weight quickly? Then, fasting is the best tip for quick weight loss. Overweight people can benefit a lot by weight loss fasting. Normally, slim people are considered as perfect beauty and fat people ugly. So, if you are overweight you have to lose weight fast and look slim soon. Stopping eating much is considered to be the best and easiest way to loose weight.

Fasting has become a very popular weight loss method that people are claiming they have lost 30-40 pounds in only a 30-day fast that is pretty incredible. Some even have dropped 3-4 pounds in a single day. Is fasting really the best weight loss solution or is it just another hype? Another important to ponder on is fasting healthy for our bodies, and can fasting give people long lasting weight loss? Well, let me explain this fasting for weight loss solution, and you will be able to determine for yourself if it is the right choice for you.

Health is more than diet. Don't concentrate on losing pounds, which may be inconsistent as your body retains water in the fat cells for a short period. The body may periodically dump this water, keeping you up all night. Don't be frustrated as this happens. It averages out. Instead of recording a daily weight loss on a chart, concentrate and think about other health issues. Staying physically and spiritually active will direct your energies in a more profitable direction. Remember, it took a long time to develop the problem and as your body, in its own time and way, accommodates the changes, you will realize the new energy that you have from the casting out of the stored toxins that your body stored in your fat cells. As with all healing, the joyful work of restoring a cleansed body takes its own time.

Side Effects of Fasting!

Side effects from fasting are unless the fast is very short term; you can end up with low energy, weakness and lightheadedness, without any significant weight loss.
Furthermore, the absence of carbohydrates may lead to ketosis - a dangerous build up of ketones that pressurizes the kidneys. This is unhealthy and can be dangerous.

If you fast, you may drop pounds, but some of that weight will be muscle, and most of it will be water. You need to eat protein foods such as lean meat, eggs, low-fat or fat-free milk, or legumes (beans and peas), or you'll be thin and flabby, not thin and shapely.

Don't fast for long periods of time as you double the workload of your kidneys and you train your body to preferentially store fat. Fasting has it's pro and cons like everything in this world but going to long without a balanced diet can lead to you losing valuable fat burning enzymes which keeps our bodies in balance.

If you still want to go on a fast, here are some tips that will help you succeed.

Recent research has shown that during fasting, your calcium requirements are met by your body leeching calcium from your bones. This, of course, is a form of osteoporosis and results in weaker, brittle bones.

Sure, fasting results in rapid weight loss - but not rapid body fat loss, and is certainly not a healthy way to lose weight. The weight loss from fasting is mostly loss of fluids and muscle tissue.

If you think such health damage and "cannabilism" could only be a long term process, think again. The recognised world record for a total fast (no food or water) resulted in death in 18 days. More commonly, it will kill within 10 days.

How much weight will I lose on a juice fast?

The main benefit offered by a juice fast, to those who wish to lose weight, is the speed of the weight loss. Initially, weight loss can be as high as three-to-four pounds per day, but as the fast continues, the average loss will be one pound-per-day.

To see a person drop 30-to-40 pounds in a 30-day juice fast is to see a person totally transform his life. Self-esteem is given a boost and for the first time in their life, discipline becomes a lifestyle. The fast becomes a catalyst for a total life overhaul. People start dressing better, showing more confidence, becoming more organized, more dedicated in relationships and more at peace.

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