Weight Loss and You

By:Bill Dobins

What are Some Simple Ways to Lose Weight?

Sometimes complicated diet plans aren’t the way to go; you can use simple dieting techniques and lose just as much or even more weight. One easy technique is eating 6 small meals a day this helps regulate your insulin levels. This also helps you to not over eat a certain meal.

Also, calorie counting is very important. By monitoring the amount of certain calories you intake, you can easily lose weight. Men (who want to lose weight) need to intake about 1,600-1,800 calories a day and women should intake 1,400-1,600 to lose weight. You can adjust these calories to speed up or slow down the weight loss. Exercising is another important step in losing weight. Simple exercises such as jogging or doing squats can make a very large difference in gaining muscle and losing fat.

Starting out slow and building up to larger workouts is better than trying to run a solid hour your first day. This can cause health problems, so don’t over-do it. Other people try hypnosis for weight loss. Quite a few people have actually reported great success with this technique, and there are hardly ever any side effects to hypnosis. There are also available surgeries, but these can cause painful and sometimes life-threatening side effects. Surgeries such as liposuction and stomach stapling can be potentially harmful, even though they are effective.

What about diet pills?

Some people report having great outcomes when taking diet pills, others not so much. Its true diet pills can be effective but not by themselves. Some people have trouble with weight loss pills working for a few months, and then the body would quickly adjust to the pills and the effect would wear off. There is a difference between prescription weight loss pills and over-the-counter weight loss pills.

The prescription pills are mainly used to treat obesity; the over-the-counter pills are used to treat “cosmetic” weight loss. The prescription pills, such as Xenical, are very effective and should only be taken in extreme cases. Although diet pills can have some side effects, all-in-all, as long as they are taken correctly and not abused, they can be an effective way to lose weight.

About the author:
For more information about Xenical and weight loss please check www.xenicalhome.com