Weight loss with diet pills
- By:Andy Steave
The world is in the grip of an obesity pandemic that threatens to overwhelm every country’s health system with ailments such as diabetes and heart disease and shorten the life span of future.
Obesity has become a curse internationally. The developed nations already in the grip of it and now the developing nations adapting dietary habits led by developed nations. WHO has reported that in countries like Australia, USA, UK, India there is a pendulum shift from infectious to chronic diseases.
The WHO estimates than 1 billion adults around the world are overweight and 300 million of them are obese, putting them at a much higher risk of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer.
Governments are being forced to confront rising obesity rates because of the expense of treating health related issues. Experts feel the cost of treating health problems related to being overweight is immeasurable on a global scale, but is estimated at billions of dollars a year in countries such as Australia, Britain and the US. The most worrying factor is the rise in obesity cases in children which makes them much more prone to chronic diseases as they grow older and could shave years off their lives.
We must know that infectious diseases have cures but with chronic diseases largely due to obesity you get only care. Trapped in an obesogenic environment we are only bloating every passing day. Looking for shortcuts in every activity we do. Automated and gadget dependent living along with desk bound jobs have reduced our daily exercise to button punching. With calorie intake getting higher and calorie burning lower, we are only getting paunchier.
The traditional, conventional way of exercising and dieting has failed and the world of diet pills, weight loss drugs, weight loss programs, weight loss gadgets have taken over. Diet Pillsis a rather easier way to reduce weight but diet pills are very short term cures and have serious side effects. The Weight Lossthrough these weight loss drugs or programs is temporary as the weight comes back once the program is over.
We have only become lazier as we also prefer buying these diet pills which are so aptly available on the internet (walking the nearest pharmacy is also not required). Let’s all get up and invest in our own health by exercising and controlling our diet by cutting on sugar, starch and fat to reduce their dangerous effect on us.
Information on Hoodia Diet Pills.About the author:
I am a webmaster of http://www.yourhealthfinder.com, and publishing article for the various article sites, visit http://www.yourhealthfinder.com for more information on weight loss, acne laser treatment, skin care, laser skin care, anti aging treatment, and other Health Related topics. Feel free to write your suggestion at andysteave@gmail.com.