Which Diet Pills Work?
- By:Zed Chamaa
A Discussion About Natural Versus Unnatural Weight Loss Methods
Which diet pills work? When do I make the change from using herbal weight loss solutions to prescription drugs or more drastic measures such as surgery?
This is a question often asked by people suffering from obesity, and it requires some serious and careful consideration.
Obese people often find it difficult to stick to the natural weight-loss program because visible results are not forthcoming in the first few weeks or months even. And with so many products on the market, which diet pills work and when to use them is the question on everybody's mind.
Obesity in adults is extremely damaging to one's health as well as one's self-esteem. Obesity causes strain on the joints, particularly the knees and ankles, circulation is diminished, and it becomes harder for oxygenated blood to reach the extremes of the body, like skin feet and hands. Breathing becomes shallower, and the heart has to pump harder to enable one to climb a flight of stairs or dress oneself.
Obesity increases risk of arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Obesity in women increases the likelihood of infertility, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer.
And last but not least, there is the effect of your appearance on your self-esteem and sense of well-being. It is hard to be singled-out in the street, stared at, and teased, as well as trying to locate clothing which fits well and is easily accessible.
So which diet pills work?
There is always the option of herbal/homeopathic diet supplements to consider. This is suitable for most obese people and requires a herbal formula designed to increase metabolism and function as an appetite suppressant. The accompanying diet should be rich in fresh fruit and vegetables in order to reduce calorific intake and water intake highly increased to support rapid continuous weight loss without dehydration.
Other natural weight loss methods include concentrated green tea drops, fat burners, food combining, and the blood group diet, all of which rely on speeding up the metabolism which is the key to natural weight loss.
There is also the question of which diet pills work for YOU!
Some people's body chemistry is not compatible with natural herbal ingredients. Which diet pills work is an open-ended question...there are many many products on the market and all of them work well for some people. This is the only pitfall, having to test products to see which diet pills work for you. If you have tried a whole natural range with no results, at this stage it would be expedient to research prescription diet pills.
Some of these include diet pills to suppress hunger, diet pills with ephedra and amphetamine. These can be highly effective but can cause unwanted side effects and are potentially lethal to people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure. These diet pills need to be administered and monitored under the close supervision of a doctor.
The last resort is the drastic weight loss measures such as the insertion of a gastric balloon or having gastric bypass surgery. These methods force an eating regime change.
Invariably, when deciding which diet pills work, or which weight loss methods to embark upon it is important to begin a graduated programme of weight loss, from herbal diet pills, through to surgery if necessary combined with a concerted commitment to healthy eating and exercise.About the author:
Zed Chamaa is a specialist supplier of Health