Who Else Wants to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss?
- By:Anthony Slew
When you turn on the radio or the news, you hear all about the obesity epidemic. Not only do you hear about the need for many to lose weight, but also you hear about the health challenges faced by those who are carrying around extra pounds.
Those health challenges – diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, liver problems – can be greatly reduced with weight loss. More specifically, the risks associated with those health challenges can be greatly reduced with fat loss.
Why focus on fat loss when you talk about losing weight? Water and fluid retention are a component of weight. Fat is a component of your overall body weight. Muscle too is a component of your body weight.
When it comes to weight loss, different diets work differently. With crash diets – those meant to help you to lose weight quickly – you lose mostly fluid weight. As a result, once you stop the diet, you quickly put all the weight back on. Many crash diets also cause the breakdown of muscle tissue.
These diets also fail. With them, you do not lose the dangerous weight; with them, you do not achieve maximum fat loss. But don't let that discourage you. It's possible to lose weight in a way that will allow you to achieve maximum fat loss.
In fact, there are a number of things that you can do to achieve maximum fat loss:
•You can make a commitment to yourself. When your goal is to lose weight and, in particular, to lose fat, you need to be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. Make a commitment to yourself, a commitment to your health; don't focus on other people and
what they may or may not think;
•You can skip the high calorie high fat meals. Grabbing a burger and fries on your way home from work may be convenient, but is it worth it? If you want to achieve maximum fat loss, you owe it to yourself to eat a high protein diet that is rich in whole grains – something you won't find at your local drive through;
•You can remember not to wait until you are starving to eat. Remember to eat breakfast and to eat small meals more frequently. Your body stores more fat when it feels the need to prepare for a famine; eating the same number of calories over a greater number of small meals will help to keep your metabolism going;
•You can focus on exercise. Cardiovascular exercise – running, rowing, swimming and cycling, among others – is a great asset when it comes to weight loss. But if your focus is on fat loss, not just on losing weight, be sure that you are also including resistance training and weight training. That way, you can build muscle and speed up your metabolism in the process.
When you treat your body well – giving it the fuel that it needs when it needs it and putting effort into building muscle – fat loss comes more readily.
Despite reports in the media that weight loss and fat loss will significantly improve your overall health, many people simply do not make an effort. There are many reasons for this, however among the most common is this: they believe that it's hard to lose weight.
While weight loss can be challenging, it doesn't have to be. When you make a commitment to changing your lifestyle, a commitment to eating the right foods and getting the right exercise, you will be able to achieve maximum fat loss.
The only question remaining is: are you ready to make that commitment? Visit my web address listed below to receive a free 8-part e-mail mini-course on building muscle and losing maximum fat.
About the author:
Anthony Slew is a fitness enthusiast and a natural bodybuilder with over 20 years experience. Visit his website http://www.buildmuscle-losefat.com for a Free 8-Part E-mail Mini-Course on building muscle and losing fat.You will also find helpful information on nutrition,supplementation and unique training programs on his website.http://www.buildmuscle-losefat.com