You Can Lose Weight By Sleeping More
- By:chidi akomas
Yes, you can lose weight by sleeping more. I read somewhere that weight can be lost by sleeping more but I don't know if I can believe it. "I have a feeling that the authors of that new book that says you can lose weight by sleeping more are going to be cachinnating all the way to the bank.
Losing weight by sleeping indicates you were probably pleasantly surprised when you read my entry “Easily lose weight fast by having sex”. Many women shun weight training because they think they may build big muscles. If you accept this myth, you are missing out a host of tremendous benefits on what weight training can provide to women. Research have shown that you can lose weight by having more sex. You can lose weight and keep body fat off permanently without going on a strict diet.
Diet and exercise may not be enough, and you may find a powerful ally in the drug shelf to win this battle. Dr Sanjay Patel of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, who led the study, said his team was surprised to find no connection between the weight gain and diet. The research therefore indicated that appetite and diet did not account for the weight gain in women who slept less.
Fatty meat and dairy products do have some contributions to make to a diet, but none that can't be found elsewhere in more healthy forms. Fat in the mid-section also creates harmful chemicals in your body that increases the risk of all cardiocascular diseases, the study reports. The larger body frame you have, the more prominent your cellulite will look because you have more enlargement of the fat cells. My only apprehension is that the diet may come with some health risks because it severely limits carbohydrate consumption and calls for carbs to be replaced by meat (protein and unhealthy saturated fat) and fats.
Exercise and activity have been proven to help those with Type 2 diabetes since it's a lifestyle disease. Exercise Plus Diet To Lose Weight in those over 55 worrying about losing bone density by exercising can now stop, worrying that is. When you do lower body weight training such as squats, stiff legged deadlifts and lunges, you are also working your back, core muscles, shoulders, forearms, trapezius…etc Furthermore, because of the intensive nature of these exercises, you will produce more growth hormones and your entire body will grow. Cardio or aerobic exercises strengthen the heart and lungs and also draws in high oxygen intake.
Eating one tablespoon less fat per day will lead to a 10-pound weight loss in a year, according to Katherine Tallmadge of the American Dietetic Association. How the hormones leptin and ghrelin set the stage for overeating was recently explored in two commissioned studies done at the University of Chicago, Illinois and at Stanford University in California. However, nutritionists says that the Zone diet 40:30:30 ratio is a departure from present healthy eating guidelines, which recommend 50 percent of our calories should come from carbohydrate, 15 percent from protein and 35 percent from fat. They say that by eating fewer carbohydrate rich foods, it means a calorie reduction and that means that any weight loss that occurs is due to calorie deficit and not because of insulin regulation.
The more muscles you have, the higher your metabolic rate will climb. This is because the more muscles you build, the faster your metabolism is revved up, meaning you will become a natural fat burner. Ahhhh, I can hear the ladies screaming that they do not want to build big muscles like Hulk Hogan. Well, my dear ladies, girls can't build big muscles because you just do not have enough male hormone or testosterone do so. As As result of numerous studies on the benefit of sleeping more, researchers began to agree that getting more sleep just may just be the answer to losing weight safely. Although you may go to bed early and think that you are getting a good night's sleep, the disruption in your breathing prevents you from getting a deep and restful sleep. Eight hours of disrupted sleep can actually leave you feeling like as if you had only four hours of sleep and sleep deprivation can cause weight gain as seen in previous posting. It is like overweight people can become resistant to insulin, people with sleep apnea disorder may be resistant to the “feeling full” signal that leptin sends to the brain.
About the author:
Chidi Akomas is a health writer and ebook publisher. He has written extensively for the web. To see and browse more free information go to