Weight Loss
- The South Beach Diet and Weight Loss Programs
- What is the South Beach Diet? Developed by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet is self-described as "neither low-fat nor low-carb," but rather a method that teaches followers to rely on the "right" carbs and the "right" fats. Like...
- Calcium and Weight Loss: A Little Known Secret For Losing Weight
- April 17, 2000 -- Got milk? New research suggests you should if you want to lose weight. The study shows that calcium -- three or four daily servings of low-fat dairy products -- can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery. The key is low-fat...
- Low Fat Diets- Do Low Fat Foods Promote Weight Loss
- Low Fat Doesn't Mean No Fat We need certain fats (essential fatty acids), so a low-fat diet doesn't mean a no-fat diet. Also, just because a food is low-fat doesn't mean it's healthy or less fattening. It may be high in sugar which is not good for y...
- Child Obesity Causes - Childhood Obesity
- Obesity in children and teens (meaning a BMI-for-age above the 95th percentile) can occur as a result of different combinations of reasons, including environmental and genetic factors. However, it's important to realise that weight gain, whether lea...
- Vitamins and Healthy Weight Loss Supplements
- Losing weight through diet and exercise is a challenge. It's too easy to lose your motivation when the weight is coming off slowly. Many people look for healthy weight loss supplements to boost their fat-burning without doing research and knowing wh...
- Teenage Obesity - Weight Loss For Kids
- Obesity continued to increase dramatically during the late 1990s for Americans of all ages according to the data collected and analyzed by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).. Abou...
- Green Tea Benefits, Weight Loss Tea and Green Tea Diet
- You might want to consider replacing your Green Eggs and Ham with Green Tea and Ham the next time you break your fast in the morning - or any other time, for that matter. It appears that a green tea diet may hold at least a few properties of those g...
- Obesity Surgery and Weight Loss Surgery
- Also called: Bypass surgery, Gastric banding, Obesity surgery If you're very overweight and can't lose pounds with a healthy diet and exercise, surgery might be an option for you. The surgery is usually for men who are at least 100 pounds overweight...
- A fact or two about weight loss diets
- It is a disturbing fact that almost 50% of the American population fights desperately to keep off the bulge. The fast paced lifestyle and faulty eating habits are one reason. Cigarettes and alcohol might be another. In fact there are several reasons...