Weight Loss
What life is all about Part 6
Chapter Two Eventually, the owners had to close down certain mines, as all the coal had been worked out. One of the many unemployed miners looking for work at that time was my Father. He had heard there was plenty of coal mining in Rossington a smal...
What life is all about Part 2
Granddad married my grandmother, Bella, and raised a family of 4. Their children names were, Jack, Tom, (my Father), Hilda and Betty. They were a very happy family, and I’m given to understand they were never rich, and at times did not have enough...
What life is all about Part 1
What Life is all about Preface to life Some thoughts to the reader, which, may help to know me a little. Life, I would say on the whole, has been pretty good to me. Not as glamorous as some lives, but, it has been very interesting and full, and it h...
Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Before you start eating your favorite, you might want to know whether you’re having too much cholesterol. Few years ago, many were not aware what cholesterol level is but with all the information everywhere people are becoming aware how their chol...
Learn the Truth about Dieting Myths
Are you confused by all those diet myths going around? No wonder your head might be cracking now with those literally hundreds of myths coming from everywhere and everyone. The problem with diet myths is that they force you to let your body undergo...
WEIGHT LOSS Answers to Permanent Loss
The solution to “successful” permanent weight loss lies in the origin of the dieter’s weight gain in the first place. Change the “weight gain” mentality that started the ball rolling and you have a vital clue to solving the weight loss puz...
How 7 steps help a man to lose his Weight
State your weight loss aims and focus Because changing your eating habits for the long term is the only way to successful weight loss it is important to spend a bit of time thinking about your aims. There are many good reasons for losing weight but...
Weight Loss Cure. Shed the pounds quickly
The new book by Kevin Trudeau called the Weight Loss Cure they don't want you to know about has revealed a new miracle medical weight loss cure developed by a british doctor in 1959 that has been suppressed by the american medical association and me...
Reductil Slimming Pills- Give Impetus to Effective Weight Loss
Weight loss has emerged as a major concern amidst both young and old alike. Several slimming pills have been made accessible as a consequence of this growing health concern. Sibutramine is the active ingredient in Reductil slimming pills, which work...