Weight Loss
- Ethnic Low Carb Recipes
- One of the biggest complaints about many Low Carb diets is that you can't enjoy many of the foods that have been a staple in your diet for years. No bread, pasta, potato or rice makes for what may seem like at first a heavenly diet of meat, eggs and...
- Phentermine Diet Drug: Is It Worth A Try?
- Phentermine has along been in the news for its effectiveness in weight loss. It received FDA (Food and Drug Administration) endorsement in the year 1959 as an appetite suppressant. Since then, Phentermine has reigned the weight loss market. It is on...
- Weight Loss Surgery Consideration
- There is a lot to think about if you're considering surgery for weight loss. If you have been watching your weight go up and you are worried about the rising pounds, you may be wondering whether weight loss surgery really works. Is it possible to pr...
- You and Your Weight Loss Program
- Getting behind a weight loss program is the only way to have weight loss if you are thinking of having it. A weight loss program has a number of features. It includes healthy diet habits, diet pills and exercise patterns. The following are some of t...
- Overcoming Weight Loss Excuses
- Let’s face it, when it comes to losing weight there are so many excuses that we make for ourselves to try and get ourselves out of it. By making excuses, we are stopping ourselves from moving on and becoming healthier. It may seem easier to take t...
- Does Adenosine Metabolism Help You with Weight Loss?
- When we start to get older our metabolism starts to slow down naturally. In men that age is approximately 40 and in women that age is 30. Even if we eat what we always did, we will probably gain weight as we get older. If you want to keep in good he...
- It's Simple to Eat Healthy
- I often encounter people with poor eating habits, so I decided to devote an issue to just that—nutrition. While it is obviously important to exercise regularly, it is equally important to eat regularly. Contrary to what most people think, you shou...
- Raw food for your health
- When you hear of raw food you usually imagine that you have to eat raw meat. However, the reference is made mainly to vegetables and fruits, with maybe the exception of fish, which can be eaten raw. This is why it is known that Japanese people live...
- Raw food diet - the best option for a healthy life
- People all around the globe seem to have appropriated a new trend: eating fast and generally unhealthy. We prefer cooked food and particularly fast-food. Next to the fact that this is really bad for our bodies, it doesn’t really contain any vitami...