- Body Painting: Henna Tattoo
- Henna tattoos are an ancient custom in India: girls and women are body painted before ceremonies, like marriage. They painted complicated patterns on their hands and feet to symbolize their fertility. Henna (or 'Mehndi', the Indian name) is made fro...
- Grooming public hair - An alternative to removing pubic hair
- Women have been changing the appearance of their pubic hair for generations. Today, many use shaving or waxing to improve its appearance but others find these methods aren’t for them. They may have very sensitive skin, which is irritated by pubic...
- Thai Medicinal Plant Pueraria Mirifica High Phytoestrogens
- The gum works by slowly releasing compounds contained in an extract from a plant called Pueraria mirifica. This plant species can be found in the same habitant as Pueraria Mirifica and also the mountains area. The Pueraria Mirifica plant root contai...
- Increased Breast Enlargement Results Of 1-2 Cup Sizes
- Women report that they can lose weight, but their breasts do not shrink when they take breast enlargement herbs. Others believe that women should have the freedom to make informed choices about breast enlargement without the government's regulation....
- Belly Button Piercing Facts
- Body piercing is when a needle is put through part of the body and then a foreign object is inserted as jewellery. Eventually, the skin around the jewellery heals and a hole is left. The hole is the piercing. It is perfectly safe when done by profes...
- Finding Plastic Surgeons for Augmentation Procedures
- Breast augmentation is a very popular surgical procedure. So, how do you select the best surgeon for your procedure? Ask them questions. Finding Plastic Surgeons for Augmentation Procedures Once you make the decision to go in for augmentation, you n...
- Make you Own Custom Designed Shirts for Next to Nothing
- In this article, we will discuss why this subject is so important and how you can benefit from this information. Many people consider that if they want custom designed shirts, they have to go out and pay somebody to replica them, but often, they can...
- Men Going In For Plastic Surgery?
- Women have historically been the race most likely to take advantage of plastic surgery. To the surprise of many, more and more men are looking to plastic surgery. Men Going In For Plastic Surgery? Mention plastic surgery patients and one immediately...
- Breast Serum Formulated From Natural Unique Herb
- The Mammastatin Serum Assay may help identify both women with breast cancer and those at risk to develop breast cancer. We currently are evaluating estrogen and androgen levels in serum from 74 women who developed postmenopausal breast cancer and 14...