- Prostate Cancer Test and The Survival Rates of Those Who Had Surgery for Prostat
- Efficacy of the PSA test Approximately one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, and over 200,000 men in the US are diagnosed with prostate cancer annually. Since the widespread adoption of PSA testing, about 60-70%...
- Mesothelioma and your rights.
- Mesothelioma is a disease that is closely associate with exposure to Asbestos..When this happens, the malignant (cancerous) cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. It’s most common sign...
- Health Benefits of Hazelnut
- Hazelnut which is a very important nutritional value in a well-balanced diet, has several important health benefits in protecting against diseases. Having special combination of oil (especially oleic acid rich oil structure), proteins, carbohydrate,...
- Mesothelioma, the Asbestos Cancer
- Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease caused by prolonged and unprotected exposure to asbestos, which is a building material. Asbestos is also used to make insulation sheets for the roofs of the buildings. Those who have been associated with working w...
- New Treatment Options For Breast Cancer
- Although surgery is the most effective (and hence, the most widely used) breast cancer treatment method, there are several other ways of dealing with the disease, some are more powerful than the others. These include radiation therapy, chemotherapy...
- Fight Cancer Naturally
- A sobering fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in this country. It strikes men, women, and children. Cancer is caused by a variety of factors, including exposure to environmental toxins, smoking, an unhealthy lifestyle, and genetic pre...
- Alternative Cancer Treatments - Oxygen Therapy
- There is much evidence to suggest that oxygen is a major deterrent to the creation and survival of cancer cells in the body and many emminent scientists and researchers consider the development of oxygen-based therapies as key to the ultimate eradic...
- Could Getting Spicy Aid Your Treatment of Cancer
- Wow, as a two time survivor of cancer I found it amazing that I might be able to eat my self free of cancer. Well, that is an over statement but new research is showing that Curcumin to have strong cancer fighting properties. Curcumin also called tu...
- Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer
- Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer If you someday become diagnosed with skin cancer and survive, one of the most worrisome issues you will face will be preventing a recurrence of the cancer. After successful treatment, your doctor will co...