How Do You Know If Your Skin Cancer Is Potentially Fatal?
Technically speaking, all skin cancer is potentially lethal if not treated. However, there are more serious forms of the condition, though they are a lot rarer. Mycosis Fungoides Mycosis Fungoides is an extremely rare form of skin cancer and it tend...
What is Skin Cancer and Who is Most at Risk?
If you have read a newspaper or listened to the news over the last few years, then you will know that there are always constant warnings telling us to protect our skin against skin cancer. Whilst many people do listen to these warnings, there are st...
Can What You Eat Really Affect Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is something we are all well aware of. The dangers are constantly around us, and we are led to believe that the only way we can possibly get skin cancer, is if we expose our skin to too much sunlight without wearing protection. However,...
Cancer Research UK
More and more people are surviving cancer than ever before. cancer is no longer the death sentence it once was. Cancer treatments in the past were sometimes drastic and devastating. Surgery that used to involve a large incision can now be accomplish...
Colon cancer treatment
Surgical procedures Your surgeon removes the part of your colon that contains the cancer, along with a margin of normal tissue on either side of the cancer to help ensure that no cancer is left behind. Nearby lymph nodes are usually also removed and...
Cystectomy Bladder Surgery
The surgical procedure to remove the bladder is known as a cystectomy and is usually performed as a result of cancer of the bladder. You can also have radiation and chemotherapy treatment which is used to treat bladder cancer. If the cancer is in th...
Coping with Cancer Pain
Patients with advanced cancer often have pain as their chief complaint. Although advances in cancer treatment have lengthened survival among cancer patients, cancer pain remains under treated in patients. It has been estimated that 25% of all cancer...
Kidney Cancer Synopsis
Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that effects your kidneys, which are located behind your stomach, in your lower back just below your ribs. There are two of them and they are each about the size of your fist. They are important organs and you can e...
Blood Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Blood is a parts of the body. Blood has different components sch as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The red blood cells (rbc), platelets also called monocytes because it is belong to the “myeloid” group and other white...