- The Chamonix Valley
- To describe the Chamonix Valley as beautiful would be a lot more then an understatement. It is, without doubt, one of the most picturesque areas in the world. One hour from Geneva by road, this skiing and mountaineering haven has become popular the...
- It's Never Too Late to Start
- With nearly a quarter of all health club membership being held by people fifty-five and above, the fitness industry is looking at new ways to cater to these baby boomers. Fifteen years ago the target demographic was the young and upwardly mobile. To...
- Beyond Cardio, Beyond Interval Training - Lose Fat Faster
- In this article, I have an intriguing discussion about cardio training, which will hopefully get you thinking differently, and trying new things. You may know I've been called the anti-cardio guy before, but this week I'm back posing the question to...
- Ten Fitness Tips for Children
- Blame it on TV. No, wait. Blame it on video games. No, hold the presses – blame it on computers. Oh, let's face it, wherever you want to place the blame, kids just do not get enough exercise these days. The Lure of the couch and the gadgets is lea...
- How To Do Aerobics For Maximum Benefit
- How is your weight looking these days? When you step on the talking scale in the bathroom, does it ask one of you to get off? Bathroom scales are merciless in that way, because they always tell it like it is, whether you like it or not. Yes, your we...
- To Stretch or Not to Stretchâ€
- I started teaching fitness classes a long time ago. So long ago, in fact, that Jane Fonda was THE NAME in fitness and all the classes were called Aerobics. In those days, there was no certification for instructors and most of us came from a dance ba...
- Personal Growth through Sacrifice and Discipline
- Sacrifice of self to self. What does it mean? It means letting go of the old self for a new and better self. This is a hard thing to do as we get comfortable with whom and what we are. Our old self is familiar, seems safe, and is relatively effortle...
- How To Identify Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
- Diabetes is a very serious and widespread disease that affects most of the systems in the body. It is currently the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. It is responsible for a staggering 210,000 deaths annually and steadily rising. Wh...
- How To Find The Aerobics Motivation That Works For You
- You may find this hard to believe, and I had a difficult time believing it when I first heard it, but I've found that it is true. Despite what logic may tell you, nothing inspires people nearly as much as aerobic pictures to get fit and in shape. I...