How Healthy Can a Quick Weight Loss Diet Be?
- By:Muna wa Wanjiru
Is there such a creature as the quick weight loss diet? I mean, sure there is or are in existence thousands of so called quick weight loss diets but how effective are they? How are they on the person’s health? How long does the weight loss last; how quickly does the diet wear off?
I have always been impressed with celebrities who give birth and within weeks are back to pre-baby shape. What quick weight loss diet do they use? Do they use any? I am further impressed with the actors who gain and lose weight to play particular roles. Robert Deniro, for example, gained 60 pounds to play Jake LaMotta as the boxer aged and got stagnant in the docudrama Raging Bull. Minnie Driver added twenty pounds for the fat friend role she played in Circle of Friends, as did Rene Zellweger for her Bridget Jones roles.
And the record-breaking weight addition was done by Vincent D’Onofrio, who gained 60 pounds to play the incompetent, picked-on soldier in the opening scenes of Full Metal Jacket. What kind of quick weight loss diet did they use afterwards, or what kind of quick weight loss diet do the stars use to play emaciated characters—those with eating disorders or those who are depicting concentration camp or natural disaster victims?
And further, the overriding question, if you are not a movie stay raking in a couple mill to do so, is this: How healthy can a quick weight loss diet be? Or, in conjunction, Is it worth it? I am not a doctor or medical specialist of any kind, but I have—as an overweight child, teen, and adult—experimented, read, studied, envied, and been alarmed by the quick weight loss diets mentality and habit and practice.
I have fainted, had heart palpitations, and even accidentally overdosed on OTC (over-the-counter) weight loss pills. I have also seen students and friends lose the shine of hair, lose hair, become anemic, develop severe headaches, and need to be intubated to gain nourishment after having played with the Russian Roulette of the quick weight loss diet world.
The celebrities who do so gain and lose weight with seeming ease, are not doing it as a lifetime tradition. They might even be under medical supervision when they do so. When not working on a role that requires their changing their natural weight, they do not, typically, do quick weight loss diets (the actors with eating disorders excluded, here). They use healthy food plans. They exercise. They see food as food and not as love. They diet, but they diet according to the definition of the word as a structured menu of healthy foods that include grains, dairy, protein, nuts, and fruits and vegetables, or reasonable equivalents. We are the ones who turn their food-eating methods into fad “quick weight loss diets”!
About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is the Web Administrator for and has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on quick weight loss diet, visit his site at Quick Weight Loss Diet