If Your Interest is Weight Loss You May Want a Heart Rate Monitor that Can Also
- By:Muna wa Wanjiru
Are you one of those people that is totally committed to your personal exercise routine? Or are you a person that enjoys working out in an effort to stay strong and healthy? Whichever type of exercise enthusiast that you might be, you really should be using a heart rate monitor.
The simple fact is that that harder we exercise, the more benefit we gain from our workouts. Of course, the harder we workout, the faster our heart beats. That is where much of the benefit of exercise comes. We work our heart to make it a better functioning and healthier organ. The problem is that we need to know how hard our heart is working. Not only do we want our heart rate to increase as we workout to achieve maximum benefits from our exercise, but we do not want to over work the heart. This is where the heart rate monitor comes in.
As you become fitter, the heart needs to work less to move the blood around your body. Most fitness experts say "Effective aerobic conditioning requires that you maintain your heart rate at the proper intensity level for at least 20 minutes per workout". However, if your heart rate is too high, your exercise can become counter effective. For beginners, it is important not to push too hard.
You do not want your heart beat to exceed the most beneficial upper limit of more than 85% more than your normal heart rate. Using a heart rate monitor will let you know exactly the speed at which your heart is pumping. If the heart rate monitor tells you that your heart is not pumping fast enough, you can speed up your workout. If the heart rate monitor says you are working too hard, you can slow down.
Most common models of heart rate monitors attach to your wrist and have a digital readout that makes it easy to use. These battery-powered units can also give you a variety of other information depending on the type and model that you purchase.
However, before you buy a heart rate monitor, you need to examine your own needs. Are you a basic user, planning for an ordinary routine of workouts? You might be interested in weight loss and may want a heart rate monitor that can also monitor calorie burn. Athletes and fitness fanatics might want a model that includes a stopwatch and other similar features such as a GPS so you always know where you are. Whatever kind of exercise training you are interested, there is a heart rate monitor designed just for your needs.About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on Heart Rate Monitor, visit his site at Heart Rate Monitor