Causes and diagnosis of Autism
Autism is the most characteristic condition of the autistic spectrum disorders and is defined by impaired social interaction, obsessive and narrow interests, repetitive actions and difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication. Children with au...
Avian influenza prevention and treatments
Avian influenza affects chickens and the poultry industry, recombined with the human influenza viruses form a totally new influenza virus to which people do not have protection that spreads in the population and that causes serious illness and death...
All about eczema
There are many skin problems that can affect us and eczema is one of them. The severity of this condition can vary from a type of eczema to another and from person to person. This word, eczema come from Greek and can be translated as to boil. This s...
Diet and acne treatment
The largest organ of the human body is the skin. Needless to say, waste needs to be eliminated efficiently so as not to interfere with its health. That requires a healthy diet – otherwise, any signs of unbalanced eating habits will undoubtedly int...
Adult acne treatment
Teenage acne is one thing, but amazingly enough, one of the most severe forms of acne is that which occurs at an adult age. Needless to say, adult acne treatment is quite tricky. Women in their thirties of forties that have never had any trouble wit...
Is diet important in diabetes?
Diabetes is a very common condition that requires a very healthy diet. So, yes if you suffer from diabetes you should be very careful about your diet. Here are some important things to do when having diabetes. First of all, when having diabetes it i...
Important facts about cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance the body needs in order to complete some of its functions like creating cell tissues, protecting nerves and creating hormones. Cholesterol is produced by the liver but aliments like eggs and meat contain it too and by eati...
How to treat colon cancer?
Cancer is the name for a disease that can affect cells from all the organs and body’s structures and is considered to be life threatening. The colon and rectum are a part of the large intestine and their function is to absorb nutrients and water f...
How to prevent hepatitis
Hepatitis is a very common disease that can cause a lot of damage to your liver. In cases of viral hepatitis, there are some ways of prevention, but this generally speaking. The most important thing to if you do not want to get infected with hepatit...