- Types of abdominal wall hernias
- Usually, the term hernia is used when we talk about hernias of the lower torso, but it can be used for bulges in other areas too. It is known that a hernia appears when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally cont...
- Treatment options in Pneumonia
- Most of the cases of pneumonia are triggered by bacterial factors and are usually treated with 5-10 days of ant biotherapy, even longer in case of an impaired immune system. The doctor will choose the most appropriate antibiotic for your condition a...
- The importance of knowing your cholesterol levels
- The cholesterol that is found in your blood is highly related to heart problems. That means that depending on your cholesterol levels, you can say if you are at risk or not. The main risk factor in having any heart related problems are high choleste...
- Symptoms and diagnosing in leukemia
- No human is alike another on this planet. Because of the this the way that the disease leukemia affects people is also very different. Some patients may experience severe or acute symptoms, while in others the action of the symptoms may be so mild t...
- Streptococcal pharyngitis- the symptoms that appear and the necessary tests
- It was seen that 5-15% of adults and 15-30% of children may be affected by pharyngitis, caused by the bacteria group A streptococci. Strep infections must be identified very quickly and treated with antibiotics at once. That is, because if not treat...
- Some things about the pervasive development disorders
- The pervasive development disorders are a group of conditions, containing: autism, Asperger's syndrome, Rett's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified. Children with autism have problems...
- Some techniques to remove gall bladder
- A small sac which is attached to the undersurface of the liver, that holds bile is the gall bladder.The liver produce a digestive juice called bile and it is used to break down dietary fats. The water is extracted by the gall bladder from its store...
- How to evaluate your state of health if multiple sclerosis is suspected?
- Certain things may make a person ask her self if she is starting to suffer from multiple sclerosis. If a person has a blurry vision or has maybe trouble concentrating that doesn’t necessarily mean that she or he are suffering from this terrible di...
- How does tuberculosis manifest?
- Tuberculosis can give a lot of symptoms to a person but there are cases in which patients came to the doctor for other problems and they are discovered this disease too. Sometimes tuberculosis gives only night sweats and the patient will not go to t...