Hepatitis C- basic information
Hepatitis is the medical term for a condition that has as a result the inflammation of your liver. In most of the hepatitis cases, the inflammation is caused by an infection. The other reasons that can lead to hepatitis are alcohol abuse, different...
General information about diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the glucose metabolism is affected, causing the level of glucose in blood to increase (hyperglycaemia). Glucose can be found in the urine too in patients who suffer of this affection. The accumulation of gluco...
Forms of Rosacea treatment
Any person with symptoms assembling the ones present in Rosacea must immediately see a dermatologist. If you are diagnosed with Rosacea, you should know there is no actual cure for the condition and its real cause of development is still unknown. Wa...
FAQ about ovarian cysts
1.How important are the follicular cysts? The follicle contains the egg which is normally released from this sac when it is mature enough. After the sac had ruptured and set free the egg, it will normally disintegrate. But when this sac does not rup...
Drug risks when pregnant
In the cases of women risks, problems and complications can be very sever if any narcotic drugs are used. The amount of drugs that can create dependence is very small in their cases. This is why a lot of second thoughts must be given to the simple f...
Detection of the heart attack after recognizing its symptoms
If you get help during the first hour from the heart attack known as the golden hour you have great chances of recovery, people are often embarressed to go to the emergency room and see that everything is all right with them. Digestive disturbances...
Chicken pox- the kid' s disease
Chicken pox is very common in children, being actually a children' s disease. It is very contagious and it is actually nothing but a viral infection. Chicken pox is cause by a virus called varicella zoster, thus the medical term for chicken pox: var...
The Lymphatic System
Lymphoma symptoms can range from non-existent to severe. When the disease affects the central nervous system, the patient may suffer from confusion and/or seizures and acute neurological dysfunction. In the early stages patients experience no pain o...
Some knowledges about the urinary tract infections
Affecting millions of people each year, the urinary tract infections are more frequent in women, but they can affect men as well, and can cause a serious condition. It is known that the urinary system contains the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and uret...