- Hernias side-effects
- One of the most commonly performed surgical procedures is hernia repair. The protrusion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening is called hernia. The tyre wall separates the inner tube which can seep through the opening. Tissue protrudes o...
- General talk about scabies
- Scabies is a health problem caused by Sarcoptes scabei. Sarcoptes scabei is a small arachnid mite that causes a parasitic skin infestation. These mites have very small dimensions about 0.3 to 0.45 mm. Because of their size these mites can not be see...
- General information on acute bronchitis
- Definition: Bronchitis is the inflammation (acute or cronic )of the trachea, bronchi. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral or bacterial infection and heal without complications. Adults that smoke develop chronic bronchitis that cannot be cured. Descr...
- Diet in gout cases
- There are many reason that can cause a gout. The main risk factor in a gout case is the levels of uric acid that one has in his/ her body. This increased levels can be cause by many factors, and diet is one of those. Certain types of foods have in t...
- Chicken pox in babies
- Chicken pox is a children' s disese, however it is very unlikely that a child who has not yet had his/ her birthday develop chicken pox. While in the womb, the fetus will receive antibodies from his/ her mother to protect him/ her against the virus...
- Cancer of the lymphatic system
- Lymphocytes are the blood cells that increase the body' s resistence to illnesses. The lymph nodes are the places where those particular cells collect. There are lymph nodes everywhere in your body. The groin, the neck, the armpits and the heart are...
- Bird flu in humans
- Avian influenza is a problem that affects in most of the cases the birds. This type of infection is caused by the bird flu viruses also called avian influenza viruses. These viruses are common among birds. Wild birds carry these viruses in their int...
- Antibiotics used in the treatment of pneumonia
- There are available dozens of antibiotics to treat pneumonia in or out the hospital, sometimes is hard even for the physician to select the best drug. To determine which is the antibiotic that suits best the physician has to determine the micro orga...
- Answers about Vioxx and its side effects
- Knowing about the possible side effects caused by Vioxx usage, people begin to ask questions about this medicine. People often want to know whether there is a possibility of compensation for the heart attack or stroke conditions caused by Vioxx usag...