- Acid reflux in babies
- Acid reflux is a condition that happens usually after or during a meal. At that time, the contents of your baby' s stomach back through the esophagus, which is the tube that links your mouth to your stomach. This tube has a ring of muscles at the bo...
- About the ovarian cysts and the risk of cancer
- Ovarian cysts usually appear in younger women, on one ovary or on both ovaries, but they can appear after the menopause as well. It is known that most of the cysts are benign, and have a low risk to turn into cancer. Although in the past the solutio...
- Acne Scars: When Would The Marks Go?
- The problem of acne is very common among the teenagers as well as the adults. But the life span of acne may vary from person to person. So, for few it is a short, while for others it may seem like an eternity. And finally, when acne gets treated, th...
- Home Remedies for Acne that Works
- Acne by large is considered as a nuisance and has a terrible effect on a person. Though it’s not fatal disorder but has enough command to root an impact on ones mind. This can be a cause of depression in many cases. People become introvert and do...
- Tips on lowering the level of cholesterol in blood
- Cholesterol is a fat made by the liver and contained by certain foods. For example the foods that come from animals (eggs, meats, and diary products) contain more cholesterol than those that come from vegetables (hydrogenated vegetable fats, coconut...
- The more you know about tuberculosis, the less chances to get infected
- Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacterium named Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which mostly affects the lungs but can also affect the live, lymph nodes, bones and kidneys. Tuberculosis occurs in those who are homeless, in those who are in prison a...
- Surgery or not in gall bladder cases?
- Having surgery in gall bladder cases is the most common treatment among people that suffer from gall stones. Either they have open surgery or laparoscopic operation, almost ninety percent of all gall bladder patients will choose one or the other. Fu...
- Stages during pregnancy
- During pregnancy a woman’s body suffers many changes. From the conception to birth her body undertakes the processes of fertilization, implantation and growth of the baby or sometimes even babies. The child is growing in her body getting to develo...
- Some facts concerning the treatment of dermatitis
- There exist a few types of dermatitis, and the treatment varies, depending on the cause. In contact dermatitis is important to determine what caused the irritation, and to avoid that factor. Helping in relieving redness and itching can be creams con...