Operations for thyroid gland problems
The thyroid is a very complex gland and many problems may happen. Not always surgery is necessary in thyroid problems, but if there is two things must be taken into consideration. One is the aspect of the gland and it's anatomy and second is what ki...
Obsessive and repetitive actions in autistic patients
For unexplained reasons, autistic children show obsessions to particular objects, sometimes even a strange kind of attachment towards them, and act by repetitive senseless actions. Their repetitive behavior has been given more potential explanation;...
General things about early menopause
Low estrogen level is the main cause of premature menopause. We meet, more and more often, women that are younger than 45, in impossibility of living a normal life because of the early menopause. Even though the specific age for menopause is around...
Common causes of a sore throat
A sore throat occurs in most persons one or more times a year caused by different mechanisms and germs. The most common cause is viruses leading to great throat pain and fever; these infections cannot be treated with antibiotics. Colds and coughs ma...
Anorexia: inappetence or unconscious exposure
Eating habits can change your life into a healthy one, but can also lead you to anorexia or bulimia. It all depends on the healthy or disordered eating habits. Media shows us all kind of diets and exercises confirming that losing weight and calories...
What do you know about the stomach acid?
Yes, it's true, at the level of the stomach can be found an acid which has an important role in the food digestion.That acid is powerful,in comparison with a battery acid.Between the mouth and the stomach can be found a tube named esophagus,which tr...
Understanding autistic behavior
Autism is a very complex and difficult to understand disorder. Patients suffering from its symptoms mainly suffer from the impossibility to communicate with others, express their own feelings or integrate other person’s actions. The language they...
Types of diabetes and its actions
Diabetes has two major types named very simply diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. In the type one diabetes we are dealing with insulin dependent patients. In most often cases it is found in children and adolescents. In this kind of diabetes the bo...
The most frequently seen thyroid problems
Problems concerning the thyroid gland can be often found in people, some of which are extremely common. The thyroid is one of the gland that can cause a lot of vital problems, but most of them have tretment.The problems can be categorized into the f...