General Health
- Sodiumn - Deficiency and Food Sources
- Sodium is an essential mineral or micro nutrient found in the bones as well as the fluid surrounding cells. It is a component of body secretions such as saliva and enzymes, and is lost when the body sweats. Excess dietary sodium is excreted through...
- Silicon - Deficiency and Food Sources
- Silicon is an essential trace mineral required by the body for stronger bones, better glowing skin and more flexible and strong joints. It is present in the body in the form of an ether derivative of silicic acid or silanate. It is important to incl...
- Iron - Deficiency Symptoms and Food Sources
- Iron deficiency means less than adequate iron levels in the body. Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin - the oxygen carrying pigment in the blood. Iron-deficient people tire easily because their bodies remain starved for oxygen. Without eno...
- Choosing a Hot Tub
- Choosing a Hot Tub by John Lewis The shape of modern Jacuzzi style Spas and Hot Tubs continues to evolve at quite a pace with manufacturers introducing more and more models in order to catch the peoples imagination with increasing Jets & Colours. So...
- Hot Tub Hydrotherapy today and in Roman Times
- Hot Tub Hydrotherapy What benefits can a Hot Tub provide in today's modern society for stress relief? One has only to go back to Roman times and note that of all the various leisure options available that bathing in hot water often using naturally h...
- Anaemia: Causes - Symptoms And Treatment
- What is anaemia? Anaemia is derived from a Greek word meaning “without blood.” It is a condition whereby, there is a deficiency of red blood cells, or haemoglobin. This leads to a lack of oxygen-carrying ability of the body. The three main types...
- How Brewer's Yeast and MSM Clear Constipation
- Brewer's yeast can help to ease, reduce, or clear your constipation. If you can handle the taste, add it to your juices morning and night. Brewer's Yeast contains all B vitamins, except B12. It also contains many vitamins, minerals and is high in am...
- How Constipation Affects Your Colon, and Health
- Seventy percent or more of the population struggles with constipation. Some believe the number is even higher, 80- 90%. The market for laxatives is now approaching 1 billion each year. It appears that constipation is an issue that most of us have to...
- How to Use Cascara Sagrada as a Constipation Remedy
- Cascara Sagrada comes from the bark of the buckthorn tree. It stimulates your colon to produce stronger contraction than normal. When it does this, it can work on the most difficult and chronic cases of constipation. It is one of the herbal constipa...