General Health
- Alzheimer's: Fight It Before It Becomes A Living Death
- Are you getting increasingly forgetful? Do you forget where you kept keys of your car keep your car keys usually? Is this all happening too frequently and you are forgetting things that you never forgot earlier and which a normal person would not or...
- Understanding Medical Tourism and Its Affordability in India
- Every human in this earth has a dream to excel and earn a better and comfortable livelihood. To achieve this people works so hard and often lead hectic schedules in life. They hardly get proper time to eat and sleep and merely forget how important t...
- Health Insurance - Insurance Plan
- The importance of an Insurance Plan. Why do we need a plan? It is very important that you get yourself a health insurance plan. There are many things that could really go wrong when you get sick. Not only will you be feeling physically uncomfortable...
- Ten Rules Regarding Food
- (1) Always be mindful of the wholesomeness of food combinations: Even alkali-genic and nutritious foods, when taken without regard to the rules of food combinations, can generate toxins in the body. (2) If you are not hungry, don't eat: No other ani...
- Three Necessity for Good Health.
- Most people are born healthy and most diseases are self-created. A person living a natural life does not fall sick. Birds and animals are seldom sick. Human beings are the most unnatural creatures. A healthy life, free from ailments, is necessary fo...
- Advantages of Exercise.
- For maintenance of perfect health, exercise is no less important than diet. The reason why our ancestors were healthier and stronger than we are is that they led comparatively much more strenuous lives. Today's mechanization has set man against any...
- Advantages of Water
- In addition to the regimen related to the internal functioning of the body such as diet and exercise, the Naturopathic system of healing makes use of several remedial procedures external to the body. These procedures are designed to achieve two ai...
- Remove Stretch Marks with These Medicinal Herbs
- Stretch marks are scars that are produced on the skin mostly due to pregnancy and childbirth. These are present as lighter lines of the skin, with a whitish hue. Though stretch marks are usually associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it is not ac...
- Top Reasons You Should Quit Smoking
- You’ve heard it all before – smoking is a bad thing and that you should kick the habit in the soonest possible time. You might have even tried quitting several times yourself yet time and again, you find yourself puffing on that “one last ciga...